About The Author: Shawn Soper

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Shawn Soper has been with The Dispatch since 2000. He began as a staff writer covering various local government beats and general stories. His current positions include managing editor and sports editor. Growing up in Baltimore before moving to Ocean City full time three decades ago, Soper graduated from Loch Raven High School in 1981 and from Towson University in 1985 with degrees in mass communications with a journalism concentration and history.

Short-Term Fixes Eyed To Slow North OC Street Speeds

OCEAN CITY — Impassioned pleas for some kind of traffic-calming or stronger enforcement in a densely-populated north-end neighborhood have not fallen on deaf ears as city officials this week announced a series of immediate and potential long-term solutions.In October, members of the Caine Wood Community Association came before the Mayor and Council seeking real solutions… Read more »

Knife Threat Over Breakfast Eggs

OCEAN CITY — A Towson, Md. woman was arrested on first-degree assault charges last weekend after allegedly threatening a family member with a butcher knife during an argument about how she cooked eggs for breakfast.Around 9 a.m. last Saturday, an Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) officer responded to a condo at 72nd Street for a… Read more »

Assateague Alters OSV Fee Options

ASSATEAGUE — A huge spike in use of the Over-Sand Vehicle (OSV) zone at Assateague Island National Seashore has resulted in a restructuring of the fees.During the summer of 2020, the Assateague Island National Seashore (AINS) saw an 81% increase in OSV zone use from the average use over the last five years. With the… Read more »

More Vehicle Charging Stations OK’d

OCEAN CITY — Electric vehicle enthusiasts will find more places to recharge soon after resort officials this week approved a request to install more charging stations around Ocean City.On Tuesday, City Engineer Terry McGean presented a request to approve more electric-vehicle charging stations at different locations around the resort. In addition, McGean presented a request… Read more »

Two-Week BikeFest Concept Meets Concerns From OC Elected, Public Safety Officials

Two-Week BikeFest Concept Meets Concerns From OC Elected, Public Safety Officials

OCEAN CITY — While no decision was made, public safety officials seemed less than keen on expanding OC BikeFest to a 10-day, two-weekend event with the second weekend overlapping with the unsanctioned and unwelcomed pop-up car rally.OC BikeFest promoter Chase Michael on Tuesday pitched the idea of an expanded Bike Week event in Ocean City… Read more »

Worcester County Sheriff: ‘Law Enforcement Officers Are In The Battle Of Our Lives In This Upcoming Legislative Session’

Worcester County Sheriff: ‘Law Enforcement Officers Are In The Battle Of Our Lives In This Upcoming Legislative Session’

OCEAN CITY — With state lawmakers expected to debate several police reform bills early next year, a local sheriff this week made an impassioned plea not to paint all law enforcement with a broad brush.Following a series of high-profile national incidents this year, there have been calls for defunding police and law enforcement reform in… Read more »