BERLIN – Municipal officials approved design services for major West Street improvements last week.
Last Monday, the council approved a proposal from Davis, Bowen & Friedel (DBF) for design of a multi-dimensional project for West Street. The decision was delayed last month so DBF could work stormwater improvements on nearby streets Abbey Lane and Westminster Drive into the proposal.
“With the good input we got at the last meeting we made some modifications here and stayed under the budgeted amount,” said DBF’s Josh Taylor.
Taylor initially met with the council in October to talk about a proposal for the design of multidimensional improvements to West Street. DBF proposed design services associated with roadway reconstruction, pedestrian facilities, a bike path and utility and infrastructure improvements for the section of West Street from Broad Street to Buckingham Lane.
The council delayed a vote on the proposal to give Taylor time to look at stormwater management issues on Abbey and Westminster and how they could be worked into the project.
Taylor returned last week and said his company had met with EA Engineering, the town’s stormwater consultant, and had included design for stormwater work on Abbey and Westminster into the DBF proposal.
“We modified our proposal slightly to include some additional design for the stormwater management work,” he said, adding that DBF would work closely with EA Engineering throughout the process.
By working with the stormwater consultant, Taylor said DBF could be sure none of the improvements included in the design would have a negative impact on downstream conditions. When Councilman Dean Burrell asked if the improvements being designed would help with standing water, Taylor indicated they would.
“If it is on West Street this project will help with that,” he said.
As far as the stormwater improvements being worked in on Abbey and Westminster, Steven LeMasters of EA Engeineering said they would involve using existing stormwater facilities that currently weren’t functioning well.
The design work, which will include surveys, easement acquisition, design and construction documents and permitting, among other aspects, is expected to cost about $98,000. The council budgeted $100,000 for the design of West Street improvements earlier this year.