OCEAN CITY — The First Friday opening at the Ocean City Center for the Arts showcases the five senses, with the two main galleries showing art inspired by how the body sees, smells, tastes, hears and feels. The public is invited to the free opening reception on May 4 from 5-7 p.m. with complimentary hors d’oeuvres.
The paintings of artist Debra Howard of Crisfield are on display in the Thaler Gallery with a show entitled “Fragrance.” Howard uses her gift of synesthesia — where one sense triggers another sense — for inspiration, attempting to visualize on canvas the invisible sense of smell.
“When I closed my eyes and inhaled the fragrance, I would see these beautiful colorful images,” she said. “I found if I used layer upon layer of translucent and transparent colors and shapes, I could paint the images that the fragrance inspired.”
Howard will also present a free lecture at the Arts Center the following day, Saturday, May 5, from 5-7 p.m. She will discuss how the sense of smell is a powerful communicator, evoking memories, visions, and places in time.
Members of the Art League of Ocean City will also be displaying their work in a complementary group show, “Come to Your Senses,” in all media. Angela Herbert-Hodges, an artist and a Cordon Bleu chef, will judge the show.
Continuing the senses theme, May’s artisan-in-residence is jeweler and aromatherapist Joy Galicinao of Ocean City who melds her two passions into her designs. Galicinao will also be teaching a course on “Strengthening Your Immune Systems with Essential Oils” on June 7, 5:30-8 p.m. at the Arts Center.
The Spotlight Gallery hosts “Environmental Visions,” artworks by students in the Salisbury University Environmental Studies program. Compiled by SU teacher and Art League member Charlie Ewers, the exhibit will present photo illustrations from two Environmental Studies courses: ENV 205 – Art Nature, Culture, that looks at environmental issues from the perspective of the humanities, and ENVR 460 – The Bay in Words and Pictures, a photojournalism course on Chesapeake-related topics. Twenty SU students contributed to the show.
Howard’s exhibition, as well as the other shows at the Arts Center, will be on display until May 26.
During May, John Iampieri of Bishopville turns Studio E into a working studio, using the art of traditional Baltimore screen painting for a local public art project. Iampieri will be creating artwork on the screens that will be installed in June at the tennis courts next door to the Arts Center. The public is invited to participate and view the work in progress. The open painting sessions are scheduled for First Friday, May 4, from 5-7 p.m.; Wednesday, May 23, from 1-4 p.m.; Friday, May 25, from 10 a.m.–3 p.m.; and Tuesday, May 29, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Anyone who wishes to participate or watch the work is welcome to walk in.
During April, as part of the Art League of Ocean City’s community programs and to prepare for his residency, Iampieri reached out to local students for help in designing and painting the backgrounds of the screens. He also included curriculum about Eastern Shore habitat, the theme of the artwork. Students at Stephen Decatur Middle School and Worcester Prep and at the town’s recreation department’s after-school program at Northside Park participated in the project.
Iampieri will also hold a class on the art of Baltimore screen painting on Wednesday, May 23, from 10 a.m.–1 p.m. This workshop is a fundraiser to help defray the costs of the mural project. Participants will design and create a small screen that they can take home. Pre-registration is required. The cost is $50 with $40 going toward the mural project and $10 for materials.
More information and class registration are available at 410-524-9433 or www.artleagueofoceancity.org