Every Saturday: Weekly Farmers Market
8 a.m.-1 p.m., White Horse Park, 239 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines. Year-round featuring locally grown vegetables, fruits, eggs, honey, kettle corn, flowers, artisan breads, seafood, meats and more. New vendors welcome. For more info, 410-641-7717.
Every Saturday: Habitat For
Humanity Warehouse Sale
8 a.m.-noon, 7033 Worcester Hwy., Newark. Currently accepting donations in the form of gently used furniture, appliances and building supplies. For more information, 410-208-4440.
Every Sunday: Morning Worship
8:30 a.m., contemporary; 10 a.m., traditional, Atlantic United Methodist Church, 105 4th St., O.C. For more info, 410-289-7430.
Every Sunday: Morning Worship
8 a.m. & 11 a.m., Traditional Worship; 9:30 a.m., Contemporary Worship; St. Peter’s Luth-eran Church, E.L.C.A, 10301 Coastal Hwy., O.C. For more info, 410-524-7474.
Every Monday: Delmarva Chorus,
Sweet Adelines Meet
7-9 p.m., Ocean Pines Community Center. Women are invited to learn the craft of a capella singing under the direction of Carol Ludwig. For more info, 410-641-6876.
Open Monday-Saturday: Atlantic United
Methodist Church Thrift Shop
10 a.m.-2 p.m., AUMC, 105 4th Street, O.C. For more info, 410-289-7430.
Open Monday-Saturday: Shirley Grace
Pregnancy Center Thrift Shop
10 a.m.-5 p.m., Bank Plaza, 34407 Dupont Blvd., Unit 3. Frankford, Del. All proceeds benefit the Shirley Grace Pregnancy Center. For more information, 443-513-0114.
Every Monday: Berlin TOPS Meeting
5-6:30 p.m., Atlantic General Hospital, Confer-ence Room 1, 733 Healthway Drive. TOPS is a support and educational group promoting weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. For more info, 410-251-2083.
Every 2nd Tuesday: Worcester Co.
Parkinson’s Support Group
2:15 p.m., Ocean Pines Library. Speakers, ex-ercises and group discussions. For more information, 410-208-3132.
Every Tuesday: TOPS Meeting
5:30-7 p.m., Worcester Co. Health Center, 9730 Healthway Dr., Berlin. Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a support group promoting weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. For more info email [email protected].
Open Wednesday-Saturday:
‘Used To Be Mine’ Thrift Shop
Supporting Diakonia
10 a.m.-4 p.m. Located at the intersection of Rte. 611 and Sunset Ave. For more information, 410-213-0243.
Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday,
September-May: MOPS Meeting
9:15 a.m., The Community Church, Ocean Pines. MOPS is focused on building a community of moms that meet to laugh, cry and embrace the journey of motherhood. Free childcare so come and enjoy a mommy’s play date. For more information visit, www. face-book.com/groups/MOPSccop.
Open Wednesday-Saturday:
Shepherd’s Nook Thrift Shop
9 a.m.-1 p.m., Community Church at Ocean Pines, Rte. 589 & Racetrack Rd., Berlin. Accepting donations of gently worn clothes and household items.
Every Thursday:
Beach Singles 45+ Happy Hour
4 p.m., Harpoon Hanna’s. For more information, 302-436-9577, 410-524-0649 or 302-541-4642.
Feb. 20: African American History Month Celebration & Book Signing
6:30 p.m., Germantown School, 10223 Trappe Rd., Berlin. Rev. David Briddell, a retired minister and author will discuss tracing genealogy and his recent publication about three local families. Also that evening orator Gregory Pur-nell will deliver one of Dr. King’s famous speeches. Light refreshments served. All are welcome. For more information, 410-641-0638.
Feb. 20: KC Bingo
5 p.m., doors open; games begin 6:30 p.m.; Knights of Columbus, 9901 Coastal Hwy., (rear of St. Luke’s Church) O.C. Refresh-ments on sale. For more information, 410-524-7994.
Feb. 21: Feet For The Little Beat 5K
9-9:45 a.m., registration; 10 a.m., start time; Lighthouse Sound, Bishopville. Proceeds benefit Feet For The Little Beat, a local organization to help newborns and children born with heart defects that require surgery. Cost: $25. To register visit www.active.com.
Feb. 21: Bertino To Hold Meeting
10 a.m., Ocean Pines Library. Chip Bertino, Worcester County Commissioner for the Ocean Pines district will provide information on issues and developments occurring within the district.
Feb. 21: Ham Salad, Bean Soup
And Peas And Dumplings Carry-Out
11 a.m.-1 p.m., Sound United Methodist Church, Rte. 54, near Rte. 20. Bake sale also available. For more information, 302-542-5242.
Feb. 21: AYCE Fried Chicken Dinner
Noon-until, New Hope United Metho-dist Church, Willards. All-you-can-eat fried chicken, mashed potatoes, greens, string beans, macaroni and cheese, beets, biscuits, dessert and coffee. Cost: $12, adults. Carry-outs available. For more info, 410-543-8244 or 443-235-0251.
Feb. 22: AYCE Breakfast Buffet
7:30-11:30 a.m. (or until sold out), Berlin Fire Hall. All-you-can-eat. Cost: $9, adults; $7, carry-outs and children ages 5-12 years, $5. Children under 5 eat free. New Belgian waffles.
Feb. 24: Wicomico Retired Educational
Personnel’s Winter Luncheon
11:30 a.m., social; followed by meeting and lunch; Salisbury Moose Lodge, 833 Snow Hill Rd., Salisbury. Luncheon will feature a musical performance by students from the Visual Performing Arts program. Food, personal hygiene and cleaning supplies will be collected for Christian Shelters. All retired staff from Wicomico County Schools are welcome. Cost: $10, and reservations are required. For more infoor to make a reservation, 410-543-1705.
Feb. 25: KC Simple Supper
5-7 p.m., Knights of Columbus Council #9035 Hall, 9901 Coastal Hwy., (behind St. Lukes Church) O.C. Cost: $5, person; children under 12, $2. For reservations, 410-524-7994.
Feb. 25: Bingo
5:30, doors open; 6:30, early bird games; 7 p.m., regular games; Ocean City Elks Lodge #2645, 138th St., across from the Fenwick Inn. $1,000 jackpot available, food, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. No one under 18 allowed in bingo hall during bingo.
Feb. 26: Republican Women Of
Worcester Co. Luncheon
10:30 a.m., doors open; meeting begins, 11 a.m., Ocean Pines Yacht Club, Ocean Pines. Guest speakers will be Lisa Challenger, Director of Tourism for Worcester Co. and Lisa Outten Stant, Program Coordinator for Worcester Co. Library. Cost of luncheon: $16, per person. For more information or to make a reservation, 410-208-9767.
Feb. 26: Soup & Sandwich Sale Fundraiser
11 a.m., Atlantic United Methodist Church, 4th St. & Baltimore Ave., O.C. Benefitting AUMC. Featuring homemade soups and sandwiches, cold salad platters, homemade desserts, coffee, tea and soda. Carry-outs available, advance orders encouraged. Fax orders to 410-289-8175 or call 410-289-7430.
Feb. 26: Delmarva Hand Dancing
5:30-9 p.m., Peaky’s (formerly Jordan’s Rooftop), at the Fenwick Inn, 138th St., O.C. Jitterbug, swing, cha-cha to the sounds of the 50’s & 60’s. Beginner and intermediate dance lessons 5:30-6:30 p.m. Followed by dancing until 9 p.m. For more information, 302-200-3262.
Feb. 26: Legion Bingo
Doors open 5 p.m., games begin 6:30 p.m.; American Legion Post 166, 24th St. & Philadelphia Ave., O.C. Food and drink available. For more info, 410-289-3166.
Feb. 26: Suicide Grievers’
Support Group
6 p.m., Pocomoke Library, 301 Market St., Pocomoke. Open to anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide. No judgement, just quiet listening and caring from those who have been there. For more info, visit www.choosetolivemaryland.org or call 410-726-3090.
Feb. 26: Worcester Co. NAACP Meeting
6 p.m., Snow Hill Library, 307 N. Wash-ington St., Snow Hill. Nick Johnson of Nicmar.com and Berlin native will brainstorm ways to reach youth in the Worcester Co. area. For more information, 443-944-6701.
Feb. 27: KC Bingo
5 p.m., doors open; games begin 6:30 p.m.; Knights of Columbus, 9901 Coastal Hwy., (rear of St. Luke’s Church) O.C. Refreshments on sale. For more information, 410-524-7994.