Winter Clothing Drive Helps Community
The Noel Community thanks everyone for the gloves, hats, and socks donated at our 13th Annual gLOVEs drive over the Valentine Day season.
The gifts are appreciated by those who received your donations. The items are being distributed immediately by local food pantries, low income day care facilities, and other groups that provide social services to individuals and families in our area.
We are especially grateful to St. Luke, Holy Savior, and St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Churches; The Church of the Holy Spirit and St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Churches; and to the Worcester County Library in Ocean Pines for hosting the collections. We appreciate everyone’s generosity again this year.
The winter has been very cold for everyone. Together, we are able to warm the hearts and hands of our friends in need.
From Your Heart to Theirs,
The Noel Community
Clean Energy Bill Will Make Difference
As a Baltimore resident, it dawns on me that my life expectancy may be shortened by the toxic fumes and high level of air pollutants overrunning the city I call home. Baltimore, however, does not stand alone when facing this issue.
Maryland is home to some of the most polluted cities in the country. Our heavy reliance on dirty fuel sources such as coal to power our cities has increased our emissions resulting in a spike in health related issues. Our state has the highest incidence of asthma cases and the highest number of air pollution-related deaths.
Why should we be collateral damage when we have the resources to cut our emissions and use cleaner energy sources like solar and wind? Our legislators should act accordingly to meet our needs. With the Maryland Clean Energy Advancement Act, they can do just that. With this bill, our renewable resource usage will double to 40% by 2025.
By limiting our dependence on dirty energy resources we are protecting our health and creating a sustainable future. We know what we want: a healthier environment. I urge you to call on your legislator. Tell them we want to make Maryland a leader in clean energy.
Jefferson Riera
(The writer is an intern with the Environment Maryland organization.)