SALISBURY – Promoting new business in the city continues to take place at the government level in Salisbury with efforts to better streamline business development efforts coming into focus.
A couple of weeks ago, Ernie Colburn, CEO of Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce (SACC), with Brad Gillis, SACC President, and Laura Kordzikowski, City of Salisbury Business Development Specialist, introduced the Economic Development Action Team (E-DAT).
Colburn explained the committee formed to streamline planning, permitting and zoning processes in the City of Salisbury and Wicomico County.
E-DATs goals are to review existing processes between city and county offices and streamline ways to accomplish processes in the best interests of all parties, inclusive of new and existing entrepreneurs.
The committee is on a mission to further enhance a positive attitude and culture with public and private stakeholders committed to forward thinking and effective processes to promote economic development.
Gillis presented a checklist meant to be an all-encompassing guide for new and existing entrepreneurs. It includes all possible offices that an entrepreneur might need to speak with in order to develop within city or county limits.
Starting with the Business Development Specialist as the point of contact, she will advise the entrepreneur which departments will need to be contacted. Going forward, she will also set up informal pre-submittal meetings with the developer and designated department staff to review the project necessities.
Detailed notes will be taken at these informal meetings and disseminated amongst the parties that were present so that a shared understanding is present.
This week Kordzikowski returned to request the approval of Resolution of Support from the City Council to apply for a Technical Assistance Grant from the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DCHD).
Kordzikowski explained the Office of Development would like to have an All-Inclusive Development packet professionally created that will outline how to create a business within city limits, as well as the available resources and incentives that are available.
“The city currently employs a folder that contains numerous amounts of pamphlets, brochures, and documents that could be perceived as cumbersome and chaotic. I believe it would be beneficial if we created a document that is structured, organized and concise,” she said.
Kordzikowski furthered the concept originated when she visited the City of Frederick, which provides a document to potential businesses that basically entails the entire business development process, everything from licensing and permits to marketing.
“It spells out what is needed by those who want to open a business within city limits,” she said.
The resolution before the City Council on Monday evening stated, “the Maryland DHCD has solicited applications from eligible jurisdictions to apply for funding under the Technical Assistance Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2014.
“The City of Salisbury is eligible to apply for funds from DHCD, either through the Technical Assistance Grant or through other Programs of the Department, or in cooperation with other State Departments or agencies, may provide a dollar to dollar match for the financing for the Project in order to assist in making it financially feasible.”
The council voted unanimously to authorize the submission of the grant application to forward the city’s business development and retention initiatives. This will be accomplished by applying for approximately $944 to provide funds for the creation and printing of an all-inclusive business development process document.