New Group Formed
SALISBURY – Ben Alder, Senior Advisor with Sperry Van Ness – Miller Commercial Real Estate in Salisbury, has announced two new hires and the formation of Alder Land Group.
Bob Rich has joined the group as a land advisor and Nick Campanaro will be working with Akder as a land analyst.
Rich has a background working for numerous agricultural firms and holds a BS in Agriculture from The University of Delaware. He is a published author and holds memberships with a number of local Farm Bureaus and Associations. He will help clients make sound decisions about their land holdings and will be working specifically in counties of the upper Eastern Shore.
Campanaro graduated from the University of Maryland in 2011 with a degree in Economics. His background in economics combined with his analytical skills will make him an asset to the Alder Land Group as the land analyst, Alder said.
Business Forum Planned
SALISBURY — The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce will present the Eastern Shore Business Forum at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center, in the Flanders meeting room, on Wednesday, March 12.
Citizens are invited as organizers engage the business community to identify and discuss the key business related challenges owners are facing. The information obtained in this program will help guide the chamber in developing strategies and a program of work focused on addressing the issues identified. Registration and light refreshments begin at 8 a.m. and the program will conclude at 11 a.m.
Industry specific roundtable discussions will explore community engagement, advocacy, workforce development, regulations, education and economic development and growth.
There will be discussion with industry leaders on construction/real estate, retail, healthcare, professional services, technical services, financial and insurance, accommodations & food/tourism, nonprofit, agriculture, and manufacturing.
The event is free to attend and is open to the public and Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce members. Please RSVP to: [email protected] or call 410-749-0144
Company Leaders Named
OCEAN CITY — Ed Wehnert and Mark & Lora Fritschle of the Mark Fritschle Group – Condominium Realty have announced their listing, sales and settlement leaders for January 2014.
Top listing agents by unit were Sheri Smith, Joy Snyder and Nick Bobenko and Kevin Decker.
Top listing agents by volume were Nick Bobenko, Joy Snyder and Kevin Sasada,
Top selling agents by units were Sheri Smith, Kevin Decker and Joy Snyder.
Top settled agents by units were Christina Ager, Rusty Molnar and Sheri Smith.
Top settled agents by volume were Bob Ott, Kim McCabe and Christina Ager.
Committee Appointment
BERLIN – Delmarva Power Senior Public Affairs Manager Enid Wallace-Simms was recently appointed by the United States Comission on Civil Rights to serve as a State Advisory Committee (SAC) member for Delaware.
The honor places Wallace-Simms in the company of 10 other Delawareans as an advisory committee member. In turn, their work will contribute to the 50 nationwide SACs as directed by Congress.
During her two-year appointment with the SAC, Wallace-Simms will be responsible for studying and monitoring issues related to the enforcement of federal civil rights laws. As such any/all findings will be captured in an official reporting process including but not limited to; data gathering and third party outreach activities. All SAC work is shared with the Commission in a timely manner for their official independent review in accordance with the policies of the U.S. government.
“For decades, Enid has been a champion for diversity, equality, civil rights, and cultural appreciation throughout both company and the state. Her tireless efforts have helped Delmarva Power to become an active and respected member of the Delaware community as well as created a culture of diversity in the workplace,” said Gary Stockbridge, president of Delmarva Power.