Hospital Seeking Exemption In Court From Stormwater Fees

Hospital Seeking Exemption In Court From Stormwater Fees

BERLIN — Frustrated by Berlin’s adoption of an ordinance to create a stormwater utility to help stem chronic flooding problems, along with the associated cost for non-residential property owners to help foot the bill, Atlantic General Hospital (AGH) will seek the assistance of the court system to gain an exemption. Earlier this year, Berlin officials… Read more »

Board Imposes Hefty Find For Noise Violation

SNOW HILL — This month’s Worcester County Board of License Commissioners (BLC) meeting saw a major fine levied for continuous noise violations, the expansion of an Ocean Pines sports bar’s beverage license and a preliminary look at a new Ocean City restaurant that would feature extensive outdoor dining. While the hearing against Tap House on… Read more »

No Bids For Beach Horse Proposal

No Bids For Beach Horse Proposal

OCEAN CITY – The town received no responses from interested equestrian organizations to provide a horseback riding concession on the beach. According to City Manager David Recor, a Request for Proposals (RFP) for horseback riding services on the beach downtown was advertised twice and RFPs were sent to a total of nine regional equestrian organizations…. Read more »