Students Deserve Praise For Bravery

Students Deserve Praise For Bravery

“See something, hear something, say something. It works.”A message worthy of highlighting from Worcester County Superintendent of Schools Lou Taylor, who spoke during last week’s press conference. The words address how a potentially dangerous situation at Berlin Intermediate School last week was averted.Chills flowed through parents last Friday as Sheriff Matt Crisafulli read through his… Read more »

Successful Petition Could Slow Complex Process

Successful Petition Could Slow Complex Process

Whether in support or opposed to the effort, credit goes to the sports complex petition organizers for their dedication to the cause.About 50 volunteers have been canvassing the community collecting signatures from registered voters who either oppose or simply want a chance to cast their opinion on the $11 million proposed bond bill to finance… Read more »

Music Festival Lineup Meets Expectations

Music Festival Lineup Meets Expectations

Ocean City officials delivered on their promise. The first-ever Oceans Calling Festival will be a game changer, as has been maintained since the concept was first publicly broached last summer.Though musical tastes vary tremendously, there is no disputing the group of bands assembled to play in Ocean City will have mass appeal. Thirty-plus well-known bands… Read more »