Adventures Of Fatherhood

There were separate occasions on the beach last weekend when Carson temporarily lost all good judgment.We had been just noticing how our 4-year-old was starting to show signs of maturation and gaining some of our trust on everyday matters, such as not kicking over our potted plants intentionally or pushing his cousins directly into our… Read more »

Adventures Of Fatherhood

The first and last days of school for my kids are two of the more emotional days of the year for me.That’s something I would have never seen coming up along the way during this parenting adventure.There are so many proud moments for parents, but, for me, it’s these times when you inevitably take stock… Read more »

Adventures Of Fatherhood

When it comes to sickness, my kids rarely go down for the count. Even when they do get sick, we are constantly amazed at their toughness and resiliency.Like many others around here, a brief bug swept through our house earlier this week. Fortunately, it was a fast mover and impacted the kids for less than… Read more »

Adventures Of Fatherhood

It’s remarkable the difference, at certain times, in how our kids behave when they are apart compared to when they are together.The experience is so different and has led at times to Pam and me simply taking a kid and going in different directions. It’s just less tense and sometimes what’s easier must win out… Read more »

Adventures Of Fatherhood

Tuesdays always start on a bright note.This is the day I take Carson, 4, to Easter Seals. Carson is developmentally delayed and does not speak and receives weekly services there.Although he is non-verbal, it’s easy to have a conversation with Carson. He understands everything and is effective at expressing himself through other non-verbal means and… Read more »