The Wicomico High School JROTC Academic Leadership Team will be one of 40 in the nation, and the only program in the state, to qualify and compete in the 2021 JROTC Academic Bowl, which will be held 18-22 June in Washington D.C. Pictured are Cadet Captain Dana Bozick, Cadet First Lieutenant Robert (Bobby) Schaller, Cadet First Lieutenant Dahyun Son, Cadet Sergeant First Class Oliva Terbilcox and Cadet Private First Class Minaal Khwaja. This marks the third consecutive year Wicomico’s JROTC Academic Team has qualified for the National Championships. To qualify to participate at the national level, the Wicomico High JROTC Academic Team competed against 1,200 programs throughout the nation over a five-month period. Submitted Photos