BERLIN – Atlantic General Hospital recently received a $5,000 grant from the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore to support its Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner (SAFE) program.
Atlantic General’s certified SAFE nurses assist victims of sexual assault by providing an initial sexual assault exam, along with helping to facilitate follow-up care as needed. These SAFE nurses are also the point of contact when other colleagues “red flag” a patient they are concerned may be an abuse victim.
SAFE nurses consistently attend special trainings and meetings to maintain their high level of competency within their field, and to better coordinate care within the community. While sexual assault is the primary focus of the program, the SAFE nurses are also trained to collect evidence and photo documentation for elder and domestic abuse victims.
The grant provided by the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore will supply Atlantic General with the resources needed to train more SAFE certified nurses who play a vital role in the health and well-being of those who have been victims of abuse.