New Events Bolster Party Town Image
Here is a striking example of the current Ocean City Mayor and Council’s mind set for two new events: a bull rodeo on the beach parking lot to kick off the summer season and a motor cycle event with a gun show at the end of the season.
This doesn’t showcase the town’s family image, it only reinforces “boys toys party town.”
Margaret Pillas
Ocean City
Ignore CRT Scare Tactics
Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the night Worcester County Board of Education March meeting. There was a large group of concerned parents, teachers, students and staff who were in attendance.
CRT was one of the concepts that was mentioned during the dialog. The CRT acronym has been distorted by some, rather than used as a tool for promoting racial justice. Although I am not an expert on “Critical Race Theory,” as a retired teacher, parent and grandparent I have a strong desire for students to appreciate others’ diversity. There is no CRT curriculum available for public schools, but rather as a course offered in American Law Schools.
After reviewing the State Social Studies Standards, I learned that the standards are broad, flexible and multi-perspective. Students are no longer limited to February’s Black History month to learn about the contributions of African Americans. Native Americans Indians are studied using a timeline basis to accurately understand the significance of the indigenous people. Emphasis is on engagement, collaboration, reliable sources and background knowledge to access the curriculum.
Our students will be living in a global world and shouldn’t be limited by stereotypes, unhealthy attitudes or fear as they grow and become 21st century citizens. Appreciation of diversity is a key skill necessary to respect others’ backgrounds and life experiences. Keeping our kids in a “bubble” is not conducive to promoting diversity or preparing them for a more worldly, balanced perspective. Don’t fall for the CRT scare; it is a theory taught only at the college level, not in our K-12 schools, that is beneficial to our society.
Judy Davis
Ocean City
Heartfelt Appreciation
The Bikers Without Borders Foundation (BWOB) was overwhelmed with the outpouring of love and support from the community at the 2nd Annual Food Drive, held April 2 at Food Lion, Ocean Pines. Food and monetary donations were received from many local residents as well as several friends of the foundation living on the western shore.
The organizations supported by this event include St. Mary’s/Holy Savior Church and St. Vincent de Paul Society (Ocean City), Sarah’s Pantry & Community Church (Berlin), Delmarva’s Homeless Helpers (Salisbury), Chincoteague Island Food Closet (Accomack, Va.), and Shepherd’s Office (Georgetown, Del.). A motorcycle escort assisted BWOB members with the deliveries to each of the recipients. BWOB was proud to partner with Food Lion in Ocean Pines as well as the Northern Division who donated gift cards which were distributed to the Shepherd’s Office and Chincoteague Island Food Closet which provide healthy meals to the surrounding community. Additional appreciation is extended to the Food Lion in Selbyville (Del.) for donating boxes for the event, Ocean 98.1 for hosting us on the morning show as well as 47ABC-WMDT News for their interview. In addition to approximately $6,000 in food collections, $2,300 in monetary donations were used to fulfill the wish lists of the organizations.
BWOB will be holding a monthly meeting on April 21st at 6 p.m. at the Powellville Fire Department (5085 Powellville Road); all meetings are open to the public and everyone is encouraged to attend. The next event hosted by BWOB is the Bikers for Autism ride on April 23 supporting the Autistic Support Group of Worcester County; registration begins at 9 a.m. at Wicomico & S. Baltimore Street, an escorted ride will begin at 11 a.m. and the day will conclude with a block party at The Cork Bar and Bearded Clam with buffet and live music by The Chest Pains.
Bikers Without Borders Foundation is comprised of men and women who believe giving back to the community is a civic duty. Members are motorcycle riders and non-riders who participate in charitable and volunteer activities which support local communities. The foundation focuses on supporting and serving veterans and active military, first responders, children and youth, and those who are most vulnerable in our communities. For more information, visit or email us at [email protected].
Kathy Winte, Lacey Egerton and Anne Marie Pollack
(The writers are members of the BWOB Food Drive Committee.)
Evaluate Election Hopefuls
Since many people seem to be so concerned about global warming, then why is it okay that our government is asking foreign governments, especially ones that hate American and want to destroy us, to ramp up their oil drilling for our needs when we were energy independent just a short two years ago and we provide much cleaner energy due to regulations. This at a time when our energy needs are costing us on the northern side of possibly $4 to $6 a gallon when we were paying less than $2. These higher costs reflect our heating, cooling, food and all forms of products we purchase. If individuals are so concerned with global warming, what difference is it that we drill here in American or on foreign land. It seems with our stringent regulations that it would be better to drill here and give hard working Americans jobs than give tax payer money to enrich foreign countries.
With a little research you will find that there are more than 6,000 products that are manufactured with petroleum oil that we will have to give up and try to find another way to produce these items. One being the parts on automobiles, glasses we wear etc. It is easy to answer poll questions that are framed in such a way to get a certain answer without the background information to make an informative response. I keep hearing politicians who get paid by the American taxpayer, and elite rich telling us that we just need to buckle down and purchase an electric vehicle and stop driving those nasty trucks.
Last time I checked the money tree in my back yard it was not blooming was because it was dead. Most Americans try to keep their automobiles at least five to 10 years, many 15 years. Where are we supposed to get the additional money to set up our homes to charge these vehicles and how much will it cost for Americans to have solar or wind power on their properties instead of using what they already have. By the way, in Maryland when you do add solar panels on your property your property taxes go up. What happens to people who live in rural areas and need vehicles for work or farming or just going to the store or doctor? Last time I looked I don’t see buses other than school buses going past my house. I scratch my head every morning when I hear these socalled intelligent news media and politicians speak. What world are they living in, do they even know where they food and products come from and who makes them, do they even care? I thought news media was suppose to be apolitical and question government practices for all the American people, not just disparage one side and what happen to all the truly investigative reporter.
It gets back to who you put in charge of your life by who you vote for at every level of government. Listen carefully to what they say and then look at what they actually do and have done. We are not a country of stupid Americans. We need to make sure we are not going backward but forward. We need to start thinking about us because it appears we are the only ones who seem to care about us.
Jo Ann Roland