OCEAN CITY — As part of History Week on Oct. 12-19, the Ocean City Life-Saving Station Museum will present a Spirit Award for the preservation and furtherance of historical aspects of Ocean City. Individuals or organizations are eligible.
Nominations can include but are not limited to written documents, structure preservation, artistic renderings, educational materials, environmental attributes, biological materials, etc.
“There are so many aspects to ‘history,’ said Museum Society President Nancy Howard. “We are asking folks to put on their thinking caps and be creative. Individuals and organizations can be considered for the award.”
The award will be presented October 13. Nominations should not exceed 500 words and can be sent to the museum at PO Box 603, Ocean City, Md. 21843.
In addition to the Spirit Award, the museum will hold its second Historic House Tour on Oct 12. Visit the Museum website for details ocmuseum.org Proceeds from the tour support the George and Suzanne Hurley Scholarship.
On Oct. 17, there will be a showing of the 1962 Ash Wednesday Storm at the Ocean City Library at 10:30 a.m.