Summer of 1963
Volume VIIII
Edition 10
Issue Highlights
• An editorial, “The Vacant 8 Months,” read, “Late last spring the Mayor and Council were practically forced into hiring a much
needed publicity man for Ocean City. Now that the resort has a publicity bureau of sorts we’d like to see town officials vote a small
winter budget to the bureau expressly for the purpose of promoting the winter attractions of the resort.”
• Mr. and Mrs. Mac B. Jenkins invited guests to their fully air conditioned Madison Motel on Baltimore Avenue.
• Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Fleming announced their new Americana Motel on 55th Street, featuring fully equipped oceanfront
efficiencies with a children’s playground and daily maid service.
• Resort personality Pete Dumser was playing nightly on the organ in Bill Ahtes’ famous Ship Café and Marina.
•In his After Dark column, Dick Lohmeyer weighed in on the summer of 1963. He wrote, “Not since the 50s has Ocean City
enjoyed a season as prosperous as this summer. The first few summers of the 1960s were actually disastrous and many resort
businessmen were forc-ed into bankruptcy because of the small crowds, cool summers and severe storms that destroyed
numerous oceanfront establishments. Yes, Summer ’63 has been a good season, but the fortunes that appear to be piling up will,
in most cases, go directly to the bank to pay the principal for loans that went unpaid in 1961 and 1962.”