BERLIN – Officials with Junior Achievement of the Eastern Shore (JAES) are calling on community members and volunteers with the nonprofit to celebrate its achievements and to get involved.
On Oct. 3, JAES, a nonprofit organization that teaches students in grades K-12 financial literacy, workforce readiness and entrepreneurship, will host a free Volunteer Celebration at Burley Oak Brewing Company in Berlin from 5-7 p.m.
JAES President Jayme Hayes said the goal of the evening is to honor the volunteers who make the nonprofit’s educational programs a success and to seek further volunteer opportunities with members of the community.
The organization’s annual Adopt A School fundraiser, usually held in the fall, will be moved to the spring.
“In lieu of the Adopt a School dinner, we are doing our Volunteer Celebration,” she said. “It’s a ‘friend-raiser’ instead of a fundraiser.”
In fiscal year 2017, more than 7,000 public and private school students in Wicomico, Talbot, Caroline, Dorchester, Worcester and Somerset counties participated in JAES programs. In Worcester County alone, that number has expanded to 1,298 students.
Hayes explained JAES relies on volunteers from the business community to teach the many programs it offers. She said it is the support of the volunteers that make the programs a success.
“It brings that business community into the classroom, which makes what the teachers are teaching relevant,” she said.
In addition to teaching valuable life skills, Hayes said JAES gives students the opportunity to interact with the volunteers and learn about different careers.
“We are the liaison between the business community and the schools,” she said.
Hayes said volunteers can be parents, college students and professionals from a variety of industries. Volunteers can also choose the topic and even grade level that interested them.
For example, volunteers can teach third graders how to write a check or teach high school students how to fill out a job application.
Alysson DuPont, chair of the Junior Achievement board in Worcester County, added the organization also provides training and guidebooks to volunteers.
“The material is literally step by step,” she said.
Those who RSVP to the Volunteer Celebration will have the opportunity to learn more about the program and meet with current volunteers. A pig roast and live music will be provided.
Beth Bell, vice chair of the Junior Achievement board in Worcester County, said the event demonstrates the success of expanding Junior Achievement programs. Without growth, she said, there would be no need for additional volunteers.
“It’s not a bad problem to have,” she said.
For more information on JAES, visit To RSVP to the Volunteer Celebration, contact Kate Bleile at [email protected].