The Resorter Revisited – August 25, 2017

The Resorter Revisited – August 25, 2017

Summer of 1975

Volume XXIV

Edition 6

Issue Highlights

This week’s Resorter girl was Sharon Brudnicki, a 22-year-old Milwaukee native.

The Carousel Center Hotel on 118th Street was stressing location in its full-page ad. “Out of this world is up at 118th Street … Out of this world is not far away.”

Two bedroom luxury suites were being offered from $38,900 at the new Sea Watch on 115th Street.

“Famous Schnitzel” was a top seller at Schnitzel Haus and Rathskeller on 18thStreet and Philadelphia Avenue.

The Wharf on 128thStreet was offering “The Midnight Show” featuring the Ernie Fields Show.

Neptune’s Rib on 144th Street was featuring the talents of Curt Law, who the established billed as a Hickey (a cross between a Hick and a Hippie).

A “Lenders Close Out” sale was being advertised at the 9400 building on 94th Street. “Lenders Take Over” was the headline offered by Chase Manhatten Mortgage & Realty Trust.