AGH, Students Partner On Service Learning Project

AGH, Students Partner On Service Learning Project
06 10 Color Page 54 WEB

BERLIN In December, Atlantic General Hospital began a collaboration with the Stephen Decatur Middle School National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) advisors to provide assistance putting together File of Life documentation that helps patients organize all pertinent information in case of emergency.

To date, this group of well over 50 students has completed 7,000 File of Life documents (4,000 packets and 3,000 wallet size versions) for the hospital.

The File of Life is a free program provided by Atlantic General Hospital, designed to help the local fire department paramedics and emergency rooms obtain necessary medical history and emergency contact information in an emergency.

This document comes in a pocket/wallet size or refrigerator magnet plastic sleeve for easy access to medical information including medications, dosages, allergies, doctor’s name and more. It can be a critical piece of information in the event of an emergency and could save lives.

“We are extremely grateful to the Stephen Decatur Middle School students for their efforts in supporting the hospital with this important resource for the community. Their help directly impacts the health of the community and the File of Life documents can play a strong role in helping save lives if/when emergencies arise,” said Janice Novak, director of risk management and patient safety at Atlantic General Hospital.

For more information and to make arrangements to receive a File of Life packet, call 410-641-1100 or visit