Every 1st Friday:
Star Charities Volunteers Meet
10 a.m., Ocean Pines Library. 410-641-7667.
Every Friday: FORGE Youth Ministries
6:30-8 p.m., The Odyssey Church, 2 Discovery Lane, Selbyville. Fellowship, fun and a rewarding learning experience for children. Visit www.theodysseychurch.com or call 302-519-3867.
Every Saturday: Weekly Farmers Market
8 a.m.-1 p.m., White Horse Park, 239 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines. Year-round featuring locally grown vegetables, fruits, eggs, honey, kettle corn, flowers, artisan breads, seafood, meats and more. New vendors welcome. 410-641-7717.
Every Saturday: Morning Worship
Year round, 10 a.m., Bible study; 11 a.m., worship, Ocean City 7th Day Adventist Church, 10301 Coastal Hwy. (St. Peter’s Lutheran Church), O.C. 443-397-4005.
Every Sunday: Morning Worship
8:30 a.m., contemporary; 10 a.m., traditional, Atlantic United Methodist Church, 105 4th St., O.C. 410-289-7430.
Every Sunday: Morning Worship
8 a.m. and 11 a.m., Traditional Worship; 9:30 a.m., Contemporary Worship; St. Peter’s Luth-eran Church, E.L.C.A, 10301 Coastal Hwy., O.C. 410-524-7474.
Every Sunday: Divine Liturgy
9:30 a.m., St. Andrew’s Orthodox Church, 33384 MacKenzie Way, Lewes. Visitors always welcome. All services in English. 302-645-5791 or visit www.orthodoxdelmar.org.
Every Monday: 50+ Christian Social Club
6:30-8 p.m., Bethany United Methodist Church, 8648 Stephen Decatur Hwy., corner of Snug Harbor Road and Route 611, Berlin. Socialization, games, friendship, activities, prayer. 410-629-9986.
Every Monday: Delmarva Chorus,
Sweet Adelines Meet
7-9 p.m., Ocean Pines Community Center. Women are invited to learn the craft of a capella singing under the direction of Carol Ludwig. 410-641-6876.
Open Monday-Saturday: Atlantic General
Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Shop
10 a.m.-4 p.m., 10452 Old Ocean City Blvd., Berlin Shopping Center. All profits go to the hospital to support patient care services, new technology and education and to benefit the community. 410-629-1447.
Open Monday-Saturday: Atlantic United
Methodist Church Thrift Shop
10 a.m.-2 p.m., AUMC, 105 4th Street, O.C. 410-289-7430.
Open Monday-Saturday:
Hospice Thrift Shop
Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Berlin Shopping Center, just off Route 50, 10445 Old Ocean City Blvd., #7, Berlin. Proceeds benefit Coastal Hospice at the Ocean Residence. 410-641-1132.
Open Monday-Saturday: Shirley Grace
Pregnancy Center Thrift Shop
10 a.m.-5 p.m., Bank Plaza, 34407 Dupont Blvd., Unit 3, Frankford, Del. All proceeds benefit the Shirley Grace Pregnancy Center. 443-513-0114.
Every Monday: Berlin TOPS Meeting
5-6:30 p.m., Atlantic General Hospital, Conference Room 1, 733 Healthway Dr. TOPS is a support and educational group promoting weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. 410-251-2083.
Every Tuesday: Prayer Hour
8:30-9:30 a.m., The Odyssey Church, 2 Discovery Lane, Selbyville, Del. If you or someone you know is in need of prayer. 302-519-3867.
Every 2nd Tuesday: Worcester County
Parkinson’s Support Group
2:30-4 p.m., Ocean Pines Library. Speakers, exercises, discussions of current medications and new sources of help. 410-208-3132.
Every Tuesday: TOPS Meeting
5:30-7 p.m., Worcester Co. Health Center, 9730 Healthway Dr., Berlin. Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a support group promoting weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle; [email protected].
Every Wednesday: Ocean City/Berlin
Rotary Club Meeting
6 p.m., Captain’s Table Restaurant, in the Courtyard by Marriott, 15th Street and the Boardwalk, O.C.
Every 2nd And 4th Wednesday:
MOPS, Mothers Of Preschoolers Meeting
9:15 a.m., Community Church, Ocean Pines. Free child care so enjoy a mommy’s play date. Visit www. facebook.com/groups/MOPSccop.
Every 2nd Wednesday: Polish American Club
Meets at Columbus Hall, 2-4 p.m. Join the gorup if you are of Polish or Slavic descent. Helen Sobkowiak, 410-723-2639; Georgia Winecki, 410-524-0521.
Open Wednesday-Saturday:
Used To Be Mine Thrift Shop
10 a.m.-4 p.m. Supporting Diakonia. Located at the intersection of Route 611 and Sunset Avenue. 410-213-0243.
Open Wednesday-Saturday:
Shepherd’s Nook Thrift Shop
9 a.m.-1 p.m., Community Church at Ocean Pines, Route 589 and Racetrack Road, Berlin. Accepting donations of gently worn clothes and household items.
Every Thursday: Bingo
American Legion Post 166. Doors open at 4:30 p.m., games start at 6:30 p.m. Food and non-alcoholic beverages available. Open to the public. 410-289-3166.
Every Thursday: Chair Aerobics
1-2 p.m., St. Peter’s Lutheran Church Community Life Center, 10301 Coastal Hwy., O.C. Sponsored by St. Peter’s Senior Adult Ministry. Free will offering. 410-524-7474.
Every Thursday:
Beach Singles 45+ Happy Hour
4-7 p.m., Clarion Hotel, 10100 Coastal Hwy., O.C. 302-436-9577 or 410-524-0649.
Every 3rd Thursday:
Pine’eer Craft Club Meeting
9:45 a.m., refreshments followed by business meeting and a craft of the month; Ocean Pines Community Center, 239 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines.
Every Friday: Forge Youth Meeting
6:30-8 p.m., The Odyssey Church, 2 Discovery Lane, Selbyville, Del. Something fun and positive for children to do on Friday nights. A small meal is provided and parental attendance is not required. 443-366-2813 ot visit www.theodysseychurch.com.
Now Through June 23: Art Classes And Exhibits
Art Institute & Gallery, 212 West Main St., Suite 101, Salisbury. Classes include figure drawing, handmade books, carved wooden birds, Zen and Zines, landscapes in oil, folded and accordion books, Ale and Art, home school art days, watercolor/sketch journals for teens, drawing comics for teens and programs for children. 410-546-4748, www.aiandg.org.
April 8: Crab Cake Dinner
Stevenson United Methodist Church, 123 North Main St., Berlin. Includes single crab cake sandwich with green beans, seasoned baked potato. Cost: $10. Carry-outs and bake sale table available. 410-641-1137.
April 8: Chicken And Dumplings Dinner
Worcester County Historical Society. Ticket deadline: April 1. Pocomoke Fire Hall, Market and 14th streets. Award-winning local author Gordon E. Katz will speak about history of West Ocean City. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., buffet dinner at 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $22. Robert Fisher, WCHS Treasurer, 230 South Washington St., Snow Hill, Md. 21863. Open to the public.
April 9: WPS Indoor Rummage Sale
7-11 a.m., “2nd Time Around” at Worcester Prep’s indoor, upscale rummage sale. Open to the public. All proceeds benefit campus improvements and projects to enhance the student experience at WPS. www.worcesterprep.org, 410-641-3575.
April 9: Wheels & Waves Autofest Show
11 a.m.-4 p.m. (rain date April 16, rain or shine) at Casino at Ocean Downs. Open to all years, makes and models of dirt cars, rat rods, muscle cars, exotics, race cars, hot rods, tuners, pro street, classics, imports and trucks. More than 150 trophies will be awarded. Paved show ar-ea. Gates open at 9 a.m. Food and beverage tent, dash plaques, door prizes. Free for spectators. First 200 cars guaranteed a spot. Registration: $10 (D.O.S. only); no pre-registration. Special hotel offer at Comfort Suites, Route 50, West Ocean City. Mention Wheels & Waves Autofest: 410-213-7171.
April 9: Beef & Brew
Indian River High School Alumni, Frankford Fire Hall, 6 p.m.-midnight. Dirt Road Outlaws, all-you-can-eat pit beef, auction prizes and more. Admission: $35 at the door. Funds scholarships and more. [email protected].
April 10: All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast
8 a.m.-noon. Selbyville Elks. Cost: $7 per person. Benefits Boy Scout Troop 2173. 443-365-1225.
April 10: Atlantic UMC Worship Concert
Interfaith Christian choral group, Atlantic United Methodist Church. Free. 410-788-8398; 443-812-1037.
April 10: Knights Of Columbus AYCE Breakfast
8-11:30 a.m., Columbus Hall, 9901 Coastal Hwy., behind St. Luke’s Church, Ocean City. All-you-can-eat. Cost: $10, adults; $6, per child, 8 and under. 410-524-7994.
April 13, May 11: Open Studio Figure Drawing
Artist/instructor will facilitate and help answer questions. 6:30-9 p.m. $15/person, $10/members. Art Institute and Gallery, 212 West Main St., Suite 101, Salisbury. Registration not required. wwwaiandg.org.
April 14: Delmarva Celiac Support Group
Meeting at Atlantic General Hospital, 7 p.m., first-floor meeting room. Guest speakers will be Dr. Canakis and dietitian Mike Kirtsos. Snacks, refreshments and cookbook raffle. 410-603-0210. [email protected].
April 14: Ocean Pines Garden Club Arbor Day
Organization will host its annual Arbor Day memorial tree-planting ceremony, 10:30 a.m., Pintail Park, Ocean Pines. A tree will be planted in memory of loved ones who have passed away during 2015. Ceremony open to all. Luncheon to follow at Yacht Club at a cost of $20. Menu choices: shrimp croissant with lettuce, tomato and chips; fancy grilled cheese sandwich with tomato bisque; grilled chicken Caeser salad. Beverages and dessert provided. Reservations: [email protected]; 410-208-2508.
April 14: Annual Trip To Harrington’s
Ocean Pines Boat Club is sponsoring a bus trip to the newly renovated and expanded Midway Casino at Harrington’s. Cost: $18, includes bus ride and driver gratuity. At casino, attendees will receive $15 credit toward playing plus $7 toward buffet lunch. Bus leaves Ocean Pines Yacht Club parking lot at 10:15 a.m., returns to the lot at 5 p.m. Limit: 50 attendees. All are welcome – open to boat club members and non members. Sign-up: 410-641-5456.
April 15, 22: Indoor Pickleball Clinics
2:30-3:30 p.m. Cost: $10. Beginner and advanced two-week Friday clinics. Learn to play one of the fastest-growing sports in the country. Combines elements of badminton, tennis and ping-pong. Great for teens to seniors. No racquet, sports experience required. Ocean Pines Community Center registration required. White Horse Park, Ocean Pines. www.oceanpines.-org. 410-641-7052.
April 16: Clean-Up Berlin Day
8:30 a.m.-noon, Stephen Decatur Park, Henry Park and Berlin Falls Park. 410-641-4314, [email protected], www.berlinmd.gov.
April 16: All-You-Can-Eat Fried Chicken Dinner
New Hope United Methodist Church, Willards. 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Includes mashed potatoes, greens, string beans, macaroni and cheese, beets, biscuits, dessert and coffee. Cost: Adults/$12. Carry-outs available. 410-543-8244, 443-235-0251.
April 16: Spring Spruce-Up Workshop
Women’s Commission of Worcester County. Suddenly Single Spring Spruce-Up workshop, 10 a.m.-noon, Home Depot, 11408 Ocean Gateway, Berlin. Neil O’Callaghan will discuss household to-dos using tools, gardening tips. Light refreshments. Space is limited. Registration: 410-208-2569; email [email protected]. No charge for workshop. Suddenly Single is open to anyone coping with the loss of a partner’s support through illness, death, separation or divorce. www.fwccw.org; [email protected].
April 17: Trevor Taylor Benefit Dinner
Noon-3 p.m. Girdletree Firehouse. Ham and chicken dinner with all the fixings. Eat in or carry out. Cost: $12/adults; $5/children under 8. Live auction, bake table. Baked goods and auction and cash donations welcome. GVFC Ladies Auxiliary, P.O. Box 132, Girdletree, Md. 21829. 410-632-0678 or 410-632-1172.
April 19: Chick-fil-A Spirit Night
To Benefit Town Cats
5-7 p.m. A percentage of all sales during that time will go to Town Cats, a local non-profit rescue group for homeless cats. 410-629-9134.
April 19: Legion Auxiliary Meeting And
Students Americanism Essay Contest Luncheon
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 166, monthly meeting (third Tuesday of each month), 10:30 a.m., followed by Local Students Americanism Essay Contest luncheon at noon. American Legion Synepuxent Post 166, 23rd Street, Ocean City. Current members and those interested in becoming a member are encouraged to attend. 410-641-4561, Ext. 21; 410-641-0966, fax.
April 21, May 19, June 1: Tot Story And Art
Art Institute and Gallery, 212 West Main St., Suite 101, Salisbury. 10-11 a.m. $5 family, free for members. Read a boook and engage in art related to the story. registration not required. www.aiandg.org.
April 22: Humane Society Dinner
5-9 p.m. Adolfo’s, Ocean City. Casual evening of fun to support the no-kill Worcester County Humane Society. Choice of three meals, great music and silent auction items. Tickets: $15 per person in advance, $20 at the door, does not include gratuity. Entree choices are spaghetti and meatballs, chicken parmesan or eggplant parmesan. Ticket price includes one of the three entrees, bread, salad, non-alcoholic beverage and dessert. 410-213-0146.
April 22: Fried Fish Sandwich
11 a.m.-1 p.m. Snow Hill Christian Church. Cost: $5 to raise funds to pay for new roof. Eat-in or carry-out. Free delivery to in-town businesses. Orders: email [email protected] or text 443-365-6637. Orders must be received by 6 p.m. April 20.
April 23: 17th Annual Boardwalkin’ For Pets
8:30 a.m.-noon. Admission: $25 minimum. Register as an individual or a team. Benefit for the Worcester County Humane Society, a no-kill pet shelter. Walk on your own, with a team, bring your pet, or make arrangements in advance to adopt a shelter dog for the day. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. Walk is rain or shine. Refreshments provided by Harrison’s Harbor Watch Restaurant and Layton’s 16th Street Family Restaurant. Contests and prizes. 410-213-0146, 443-235-8557.
April 23: Community Passover Seder
The Embers Restaurant, 5 p.m. Reservations by April 18: 410-641-4311. www.templebatyam-oc.org.
April 24: Knights Of Columbus AYCE Breakfast
8-11:30 a.m., Columbus Hall, 9901 Coastal Hwy., behind St. Luke’s Church, O.C. All-you-can-eat. Cost: $10, adults; $6, per child, 8 and under. 410-524-7994.
April 27: Knights Of Columbus Simple Supper
5-7 p.m., Columbus Hall, 9901 Coastal Hwy., behind St. Luke’s Church. $7 per person and cash bar. 410-524-7994.
April 30: Town Cats Dinner
Marina Deck Restaurant, Ocean City. Benefit of Town Cats, a local non-profit rescue group for homeless cats and kittens. Tickets: $25. Purchase at OC Pet Spa in West Ocean City on Route 611, at the Town Cats booth at the Ocean Pines Farmers Market on Saturday mornings or by calling 410-629-9134. A portion from the ticket sales will go to the organization. On-site Chinese auction. Menu includes choice of prime rib, crab cake or stuffed chicken dinner.
April 30: Holy Savior Flea Market
8 a.m.-noon, Holy Savior parking lot, 17th Street and Philadelphia Avenue, Ocean City. Bring the whole family. Six-foot tables available to the public, $15; bring your own table, $10. Refreshments, coffee, water, juices, baked goods for sale. In case of rain, flea market will be moved indoors. To reserve table or space by April 23: 410-213-1397; 410-213-2881; 410-289-0652.
May 1: Kiwanis Annual Italian Dinner
Fundraiser at Denovo’s Trattoria. Seatings at 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. Reservations recommended. Walk-ins welcome, space permitting. Carry-outs available. Adults: $10; children 12 and un-der: $5. Tickets: 410-208-6719.
May 8: Knights Of Columbus AYCE Breakfast
8-11:30 a.m., Columbus Hall, 9901 Coastal Hwy., behind St. Luke’s Church, O.C. All-you-can-eat. Cost: $10, adults; $6, per child, 8 and under. 410-524-7994.
May 13-14: Big Yard And Bake Sale
8 a.m.-3 p.m. St. Andrew’s Church parking lot, 33384 Mackenzie Way, Lewes, Del. (off Plantation Road). Look for the gold dome. Light lunch fare available. Proceeds benefit St. Andrew’s Church. Rain dates: May 20-21. 302-436-4029.
May 13, May 20: Indoor Pickleball Clinics
2:30-3:30 p.m. Cost: $10. Beginner and advanced two-week Friday clinics. Learn to play one of the fastest-growing sports in the country. Combines elements of badminton, tennis and ping-pong. Great for teens to seniors. No racquet, sports experience required. Ocean Pines Community Center registration required. White Horse Park, Ocean Pines. www.oceanpines.-org. 410-641-7052.
May 14: Pig Pickin’ And Clam Bake
4-10 p.m. Berlin Fire Company. Cost: $30 includes unlimited pork barbecue, clams, five beer tickets. Chinese auction, raffles, casino games. Live music by Tranzfusion, 6-9 p.m. Proceeds go for funding of a truck for the fire company. Tickets availabel at Berlin Fire Company and www.berlinfire.com.
May 22: Knights Of Columbus AYCE Breakfast
8-11:30 a.m., Columbus Hall, 9901 Coastal Hwy., behind St. Luke’s Church, O.C. All-you-can-eat. Cost: $10, adults; $6, per child, 8 and under. 410-524-7994.
June 4: Girdletree Volunteer Fire Department
Auxiliary Raffle
Only 1,000 tickets to be sold. $5 each or five tickets for $20. First prize: Weber Genesis E-310 three-burner gas grill; second prize: Blackstone four-burner gas griddle. Need not be present to win. Contact an auxiliary member to purchase tickets. Girdletree Cash & Bike Bash. Call Henrietta at 443-783-6620 or 410-632-0678. Leave message.