Summer of 1971
Volume XVI
Edition No. 13
Issue Highlights
This week’s “Resorter Girl” was Ann Nugent (the boy was not identified).
The Aqua Thrill Circus was about to begin its nightly run at Ocean City Convention Hall. Two shows each night were being offered from July 30-Aug. 26.
The Hurricane Nite Club and Lounge on 71st Street was featuring Tommy Strand and The Upper Hand direct from Miami Beach.
A unique message was featured in the Purple Moose Saloon’s ad. It read, “What This Town Needs Is A Short-Haired, Cleancut Hippee.”
A small filler in this issue read, “It’s strange but true that some people start looking down on the world as soon as they get up in it.”
The Vienna Lounge on 82nd Street called itself “Ocean City’s Newest Italian-American Restaurant.”
In his “Sandpiper Tracks,” Editor Dick Lohmeyer wrote, “Walk the boardwalk tonight or this afternoon and you’ll spot at least one corporation of kids selling seashells. That’s typical of Ocean City. If those same youngsters were in the city, they would be selling lemonade. Children are the same everywhere, they do the same things but sometimes they use different equipment.”