Lower Shore Power Upgrade Planned

SALISBURY — Delmarva Power will hold community meetings to provide the public with details on an expansive high-voltage transmission line upgrade from Salisbury to Berlin.

The first is set for next Tuesday, June 23, at 7 p.m. at Delmarva Power on N. Salisbury Blvd. The second is set for next Thursday, June 25, at 7 p.m. at the Pittsville Fire Hall on Gumboro Rd. in Pittsville.

Delmarva Power will invest roughly $25 million to rebuild a 24-mile, 69-kilovolt power line between Salisbury and Berlin. A total of 360 structures, which range in height from 40 feet to 70 feet, will be replaced with steel pole structures that are 55 feet to 120 feet tall. Steel poles are more durable, require less maintenance and can withstand hurricane force winds of 120 mph. The project is scheduled to begin in August or September of this year with completion targeted for May 2017.

“Most of the current infrastructure was built in the early 1950s and is due to be upgraded, so it is important that we undertake this project to maintain and improve the reliability of the transmission system,” said Delmarva Power Region Vice President John Allen.