BERLIN – The Auxiliary of Atlantic General Hospital and Health System recently held its awards luncheon and presented President and CEO Michael Franklin with a check in the amount of $180,000 to represent its fiscal year 2015 fundraising efforts.
The auxiliary presented awards to Marlene Bohn and Janet Houser, in recognition of approximately 10,000 hours coordinating special sales for the Auxiliary Thrift Shop, which raised nearly $90,000 over the past four years.
The $180,000 donation is a culmination of all fundraising activities throughout the 2015 fiscal year. These funds will be used for patient room renovations and to support additional strategic initiatives and expansion of programs provided by the hospital and health system.
The auxiliary consists of about 400 members and volunteers provide more than 30,000 hours of service to the hospital annually. Volunteers support the hospital by donating time and expertise to every aspect of the hospital and health system.