SNOW HILL – The group behind Dead Freddies Island Grill will move forward with plans to take over de Lazy Lizard after receiving approval from the Worcester County Board of License Commissioners (BLC) this week.
The board agreed to lift the liquor license suspension that had been placed on de Lazy Lizard after the restaurant’s new owners outlined their plans to turn the bar into a family-oriented restaurant similar to Dead Freddies.
“We plan on converting it more from the bar/nightclub scene to dining,” said Stephen Carullo, an owner of Dead Freddies. “We’re trying to get the problems under control that are there and turn it into a family destination.”
Carullo assured members of the BLC he was working to secure the numerous entry points to de Lazy Lizard, something that had caused issues in the past, and to set up one main entrance to regulate patrons drinking alcohol.
“At that point, security doesn’t have such a difficult job,” Carullo said.
Carullo said all of the changes hadn’t been approved by Ocean City yet but that he expected to have an approved site plan by mid-May, which he would provide to the BLC.
“The ultimate goal is to get to the point we have one main entryway,” he said.
Carullo said he also planned to remove some of the bar seating in de Lazy Lizard to allow room for more dining tables.
He asked the BLC for permission to have a disc jockey to make “happy birthday” announcements and the like to patrons.
“We don’t use a DJ the way most people do,” Carullo said. “We don’t allow our DJs to pump up the crowd.”
BLC member Charles Nichols asked Carullo how he was going to manage two large Ocean City establishments. Carullo replied that he had run several restaurants simultaneously in the Baltimore area before selling them to relocate to Ocean City. He’s operated Dead Freddies for five years.
“Freddies operates pretty good,” he said.
The veteran operator added that he would have Jennifer Robins, who worked at Fishtales for 15 years before coming to de Lazy Lizard last year, as the general manager.
The BLC granted the transfer of the liquor license as well as Carullo’s request to have live entertainment five nights a week as well as a DJ and Boardwalk-style games. The board also gave him permission to sell beer and wine in sealed containers to marine traffic only.
On Wednesday, the BLC also approved the transfer of the Captain’s Galley liquor license to The Shrimp Boat. Though the license had a restriction on outdoor entertainment in the past, attorney Hugh Cropper argued that the neighborhood had changed in the ensuing 20 years.
“The whole harbor has changed,” he said. “Now it’s a mixture of industrial and commercial uses. I really don’t think entertainment is imposing on the neighborhood at all.”
The board agreed to grant the transfer and to allow entertainment outside until 11 p.m.
Two Berlin businesses received licenses this week. Leaky Pete’s Oyster Bar and Chophouse, located at the former Tex-Mex building, got license approval, as did Crush and Crab. The Crush and Crab, which will be opening in the old Boomer’s building, was cautioned because of its location.
“It’s a concern to all of us because of the proximity to Worcester Prep and the ball fields,” BLC member Marc Scher said. “It’s definitely a privilege that needs to be taken seriously.”
Attorney Joe Moore stressed that the restaurant would be family oriented. He said it would be serving breakfast, lunch and dinner and would be filling a long vacant building at one of the town’s main entrances.
“We really are providing a service at the south end of town,” Moore said. “We believe fully there’s nothing like this in the town of Berlin.”
Other new businesses granted licenses by the BLC April 15 were Culture Authentic Eatery, West Ocean City; Monte Carlo Surf Inn, Ocean City; Vinny’s Pizza and Italian Grill, Ocean City; and Bull on the Beach’s Horn and Shell, West Ocean City.
Other license transfers approved April 15 were JR’s The Place for Ribs to Tokyo Seafood Buffet, Ocean City; Shop Kwik, Berlin; Commander Hotel to Grotto Pizza, Ocean City; Gold Coast Beer and Wine, Ocean City; Coins Pub; and 21st Street Beer and Wine, Ocean City.