OCEAN CITY – Fireworks and laser light shows downtown will continue this summer with the support of town funding as well as OC Bikefest 2015.
On Tuesday afternoon, Greg Shockley, chairman of the Tourism Advisory Board (TAB), came before the Mayor and City Council to recommend TAB funding go towards TEAM Productions’ series of events in both 2015 and 2016 and OC Bikefest in 2015.
In December, TAB reviewed a proposal from TEAM Productions that had requested a three-year commitment to fund an annual series of events — laser light shows with fireworks effects on Sundays downtown in the summer; fireworks on the beach downtown on Mondays and Tuesdays in the summer; fireworks at Sundaes in the Park at Northside Park during the summer; fall events of the beach maze downtown, pet parade and pumpkin race on the Boardwalk; and the return of Sandfest, featuring sand sculptures and interactive activities in August.
TAB unanimously approved a recommendation to fund $300,000 for TEAM-produced events only in 2015 and 2016 and requested TEAM return to TAB in the fall for an update before a third year is agreed upon. TAB also voted unanimously to recommend financial support of $20,000 to OC Bikefest to assist in marketing and funding of entertainment for its 2015 event.
When the Tourism Commission was abolished in 2010, TAB was formed to provide an application, screening process and funding with $300,000 a year allocated by the town for new events to come to Ocean City. Since then the Tourism Commission was re-established in 2012 but TAB remained.
Currently, there is about $67,000 still available in the current fiscal year ending on June 30, and another $300,000 is currently proposed for TAB in the FY 2016 budget.
“Two years concerns me with changes in technology and I don’t want to be tied in with a certain kind of show for two years, so I would like to see it for one year with an option to renew,” Councilwoman Mary Knight said of TEAM Productions’ request.
Councilman Dennis Dare agreed in wanting to keep TEAM Productions’ series of events fresh and made a motion to approve the funding for one year.
Bob Rothermel of Team Productions explained a two-year commitment would bring more opportunities to the table as it could invest in the second year without having to work year-to-year.
“In the first year, 2012, we originally budgeted for 12 shows but ended up doing 15 shows and as we progressed through the three years with the number of events and activities growing while we kept the money the same,” he said. “We think there is more we haven’t even thought of yet if we are granted a two year.”
Dare amended his motion to approve a two-year contract with the stipulation TEAM Productions returns in October of 2015 to review the events and propose any changes for the second year. The council voted unanimously to approve.
“I agree we always want to keep things fresh, and a few years ago the laser light show was just that with the ball and the lasers. The next year the lasers expanded adding the fire component, and this past year you added the fireworks component. The laser show today exceeds what it was producing three years ago. It really lights up the whole beach and creates a buzz in that area,” Mayor Rick Meehan said.
Shockley continued on with the OC Bikefest 2015 proposal. Acknowledging in the past that the council has suggested TAB funding for the event come to end, TAB recommended $20,000 compared to the $35,000 that was granted to OC Bikefest last year.
“I appreciate the fact that it is less money because with any special event our goal has always been its start out money but at some point they should be able to sustain without this money, so I am hoping next year its even less if not zero,” Knight said.
The council voted 6-1 to approve the funding for OC Bikefest 2015 with Councilman Wayne Hartman opposed.
This is the fifth year OC Bikefest will be coming to Ocean City. It is a four-day motorcycle event held at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center and Inlet Parking Lot with focus on providing quality experienced to attract consumers to Ocean City for an extended stay. The experience includes national music acts, drill teams, vendors and more.
According to OC Bikefest owner Kathy Michaels, the event results have been positive and earned regional and national recognition. The number of “heads in beds” has increased each year at mid-season rates, and according to restaurants and bars some have experienced record sales during the event. The event also produces in excess of $100,000 for local charities. The total event budget is $700,000 plus $70,000 the town provides in in-kind services.
Approximately 150,000 attendees are expected to come to OC Bikefest between the Inlet and the convention center. At the conclusion of last year’s event, event organizers estimated between 130,000 and 165,000 attendees.