SNOW HILL — A potential passenger excursion train shuttling tourists from Berlin to Snow Hill moved a little closer to fruition this week when the county’s share of the second phase of the feasibility study was approved.
Last spring, Worcester County Economic Development presented a proposal for a tourism-based excursion train running from Berlin to Snow Hill. The proposal called for a proposed passenger rail service from one end of the county to the other, exposing visitors to all Worcester has to offer. At least slightly enamored with the idea, the County Commissioners in July approved funding for the first phase of a feasibility study to further explore the concept.
In November, that study was completed and presented to county officials, providing a favorable market analysis as well as preliminary guidance on how the operation should be structured as a special event excursion train. The preliminary study determined there was a demand for an excursion train down the center of the county that wouldn’t necessarily compete with the summer season and Ocean City, but rather the fall and winter seasons for special seasonal events. Initially, the county anticipated as many as 50,000 rides each year, but the preliminary feasibility study suggested the number could be as many as 75,000.
The first phase of the feasibility study, conducted by Stone Consulting, focused largely on the conceptual issues such as market analysis and the demand for the service.
Worcester County Economic Director Bill Badger told the commissioners on Tuesday with the first phase of the study in hand, it was now time to move forward with phase two, which will explore the nuts and bolts so to speak of a potential operation.
“The first phase determined yes, there is a market for this, and yes, somebody could make money doing it,” he said. “Now, the second phase will be the hard part. What will it cost? What infrastructure changes will be needed and what upgrades to the existing rail system would be needed to make it happen?”
Badger asked the commissioners for approval to allocate his department’s share of the cost of the second phase of the feasibility study. Under the plan, the county would pay just over $7,300 for its share of the $20,000-plus second phase. The town of Berlin will pay $5,000 and the town of Snow Hill will contribute $3,000.
The Maryland-Delaware Railroad, which currently operates freight rail service in Worcester and across the Lower Shore and could stand to benefit from a passenger excursion operation, will pitch in the remaining $5,000. The commissioners agreed on Tuesday to provide the county’s share for the next phase of the study.