OCEAN CITY – The Mayor and City Council held an early celebration of Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (LEAD) on Thursday.
In light of recent negativity directed toward law enforcement nationally, the Ocean City community is uniting to celebrate local law enforcement officers and their public service.
Before the nationwide event of LEAD on Jan. 9, the Town of Ocean City honored local law enforcement agencies during a ceremony and presentation of a proclamation from the Mayor and City Council on Thursday morning.
“It is no secret that our country is experiencing significant negativity and violence directed toward our law enforcement community. Thankfully in Ocean City we have not experienced that,” Mayor Rick Meehan said. “We are fortunate to live in a community where our residents, visitors and businesses work side-by-side with our police officers.”
The Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) focuses on having a strong community presence and works hard to let the community know they are here to protect and serve, Meehan stated.
“Before we recognize outstanding officers nationally we really wanted to show the local commitment of our officers. Those who serve our community, that is a very significant commitment that they make, and they make it for all the right reasons,” the mayor said. “To the men and woman [of law enforcement] we want to thank you. Thank you for being here today, but we want to thank you most for being here each and every day, 24 hours a day, all year long here in Ocean City, Worcester County and throughout the State of Maryland.”
Neighborhood Watch Coordinator for Bayshore Drive Brooke Rodgers spoke on behalf of all neighborhood watch coordinators throughout Ocean City.
Rodgers shared, annually the Ocean City neighborhood watch coordinators meet to select nominees for the Officer of the Year Award. When the nominees are narrowed down the coordinators have the opportunity to interview each of the six finalists.
“I really don’t have the words for how that makes us feel when we walk out of those interviews. It is a staggering experience. They are extraordinary people, and the Officer of the Year candidates are just a few people but we witness high standards of the entire department throughout the year,” he said. “I, like all of you, have seen how officers have been treated in past months on the news, and it makes me angry but anger is the second emotion. Deep down it is heartbreak. … To the men and woman of the Ocean City Police Department, don’t you dare get discouraged. There is no time for it … keep your chin up, and keep up the good work.”
Ocean City Chamber of Commerce President and Noise Board Chair Brett Wolf recognized the OCPD as the town’s ambassadors.
“I can tell you these people are dedicated to their jobs but more importantly they are dedicated to the community, our community,” Wolf said. “I believe the officers do a fabulous job here in the Town of Ocean City, and know that we are very fortunate to have a police department that is as dedicated as they are here in Ocean City. I encourage everyone to continue to work closely with the police department and offer them assistance whenever possible.”
Ocean City Police Chief Ross Buzzuro thanked everyone for their continuous support of the OCPD.
“It is impossible to express how much your support means to us. Our effectiveness and our success in what we do, in maintaining public safety is reliant on our partnership with the community,” he said. “In recent months the job of a police officer throughout our great nation has not been an easy one. I can tell you the word ‘easy’ has never been in law enforcement job descriptions. Media critiquing and scrutiny coupled with citizen protests rallying against what we do has challenged officers … but the citizens in Ocean City have shown us a different story. … We are driven by a promise but what drives us even more is the support that you all show us.”