It has become tradition in our issue closest to Christmas to look back on some predictions I made at the end of 2013 for the year 2014.
As usual, there were many that were completely wrong, some that were right and others somewhere in between. Next week, I will take another stab on the prediction front.
In the meantime, let’s look back at what I thought was going to happen in 2014. As usual, I was wrong more than right about my prognostications but at least a few were correct.
On The Money
• I was right when I predicted Margaret Pillas would not seek another term on the Ocean City Council in 2014.
• I was correct when I surmised that one incumbent Worcester County Commissioner would lose in the November election. It turns out it was 16-year incumbent Virgil Shockley, who lost his seat to familiar foe Ted Elder.
• An agreement was in fact reached between the Town of Berlin and the Berlin Fire Company that significantly restored funding to the emergency services agency (although not to the former level).
• Salisbury did in fact follow in Berlin’s footsteps and create a stormwater utility.
• Ocean City did continue to use the $50 flat fee parking system on July 4 to much success.
• Steven Taylor was named the new executive director of the Worcester Youth and Family Counseling Services organization as I envisioned.
• For the second year in a row, I was right when I predicted there would be no tropical activity that bothered Ocean City in 2014.
• The Dew Tour did return to Ocean City in June.
• A new Tractor Supply store did open in the old Ames building in Berlin near the high school.
• Legislation was passed allowing Berlin to have private liquor “to go” operations.
• The Seattle Seahawks did win the Super Bowl in February. However, I had them downing the Patriots. It was the Broncos the Seahawks defeated handily.
What Was I Thinking?
• I was right that Anthony Brown would defeat Doug Gansler in Maryland’s Democratic gubernatorial primary. However, I was wrong when I predicted Brown would become the next governor. He was actually defeated soundly after running a dreadful campaign by Republican Larry Hogan, who was a masterful campaigner.
• I thought a court would have to settle the matter, but Atlantic General Hospital and the Town of Berlin were able to reach a compromise on their stormwater fee stalemate out of court.
• Former Ocean City Councilman Vince Gisriel never ran for Worcester County Commissioner as I thought he might. In the end, Joe Mitrecic was unopposed and replaced Louise Gulyas as the resort’s representative.
• It was another error when I predicted Brent Ashley would seek re-election in Ocean City. He decided to not run after one term.
• Nostradamus I was not when I guessed a major snow storm would dump a foot of snow on Delmarva in February.
• There were four new faces (not three as I guessed) elected to the Worcester County Commission in 2014.
• I am thrilled to report I was wrong when I said the price for an unleaded gallon of gasoline would stay above $3 all year.
• News never broke that a new Worcester County Humane Society facility would be built in West Ocean City as I thought it might.
• The Wicomico County Board of Education has not yet sought an exemption for its schools from Salisbury’s new stormwater fee system.
• The speed limit was reduced on Route 113 through Berlin, contrary to what I thought.
• As far as I know, the new iPhone 6 cannot start your car remotely as I thought it might.
• Ocean City has never publicly discussed annexing West Ocean City because of frustration over tax differential squabbles with the county.
• Maryland did not add a buck to its cigarette tax as I thought it would to raise revenue.
• The Casino at Ocean Downs did not celebrate the opening of a new facility and table games. Ground has not broken on that new addition as of yet.
• Despite what my heart said, the Orioles did not win the World Series. I had them defeating the Dodgers. Instead, the Giants beat the Royals, who knocked out the Orioles in the playoffs.
Still Up In The Air
• Although it looks like he will be making a run, there is nothing definitive on Governor Martin O’Malley’s presidential decision in 2016. I had predicted he would make it clear in 2014 that he will be a presidential candidate. He still might do so, but he could also be a vice presidential candidate under prospective presidential candidate Hilary Clinton, who seems a certainty to take another shot at the Democratic nomination.
• Ocean City did not make any announcement to discontinue its annual Mayor and Council Open House at City Hall as I figured. However, officials did relocate the annual New Year’s Day event for 2015 to the Roland E. Powell Convention Center.
• No national chain restaurants have yet been announced for the pad sites in front of the Walmart and Home Depot.