It may be cheesy but it’s something we do every year. As a family, we get our photo taken with Santa Claus.
Here’s a look at our compilation over the last seven years, starting when Beckett, now 6, was just 7 months old in 2008 and clearly mystified by the jolly one’s beard.
In 2009, Carson was just a month old and asleep in Santa’s lap and Beckett was barely interested at 19 months old.
The 2010 shot is clearly my favorite and a perfect snapshot in time. There was Carson, just over 1-year-old, seemingly devising a plan to rip off Mrs. Claus’ hat (or just distracted by something else), while Beckett, 2 ½ years old, was clearly not enamored with the entire thing.
Harmony was restored in the 2011 photo as the boys cooperated well, albeit a stray finger getting into Carson’s mouth. Much of the same in 2012, thanks to a timely belly tickle from Mrs. Claus to get Carson, who was 3 years old at the time, in the spirit.
Last year the boys rehearsed their long list of requests for Santa with Beckett outlining his long list along with what he would be okay with his little brother receiving. This year the boys showed their experience with the whole thing and took it all in stride.
From my family to yours, here’s to a Merry Christmas filled with laughter and memories.