Summer of 1972
Volume XVIII
Edition 48
Issue Highlights
The Caliban Corporation announced the sale of one- and two-bedroom apartments in the High Point North building starting at $40,000 on 112th Street and the ocean.
Ocean City Mayor Harry Kelley fired off a letter of opposition to the Federal Maritime Association on its proposal to place a superport off the coast to unload large, modern tankers importing oil.
Sea Kal Realty, Inc. was advertising a two-bedroom, two-bath oceanview condo for $35,400 inside the Sundance III.
A story reported $135 million in new building permits had been issued in Ocean City over the past three years.
Villani’s was advertising itself as “Contract furnishers to leading hotels, motels, condominiums and apartment buildings throughout Ocean City, Fenwick Island, Bethany Beach and Rehoboth Beach.”