Locks Of Love Benefit Planned

BERLIN — On Sunday, Nov. 16, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Bliss Salon & Spa on Route 50 is hosting a charitable event to benefit Locks of Love, a non-profit organization that provides vacuum fitted hairpieces to disadvantaged children suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis.

The professionals at Bliss will be offering their cutting and styling expertise during the fundraiser. Minimum cash donations of $25 or hair no less than 10 inches in length will be accepted for the cause. Interested participants are urged to call 410-213-1122 to make an appointment.

Most of the children assisted by Locks of Love have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. The vacuum fit is designed for children who have experienced a total loss of scalp hair and does not require the use of tape or glue.

Each of the hairpieces created by the organization, founded in 1998, require between six and 10 ponytails and take approximately four to six months to manufacture.