West OC Next Up For Natural Gas Conversion

West OC Next Up For Natural Gas Conversion
West OC Next

BERLIN — As part of the ongoing conversion effort, Chesapeake Utilities and Sandpiper Energy crews could be seen Wednesday purging gas lines along Route 50 in another step in the lengthy process.

Motorists traveling Route 50 in the area of Glen Riddle and Sam Bowen Blvd. on Wednesday were likely wondering what was going on with the two torches along the highway shooting flames several feet into the air. The two torches were burning early Wednesday morning and throughout the day.

Chesapeake Utilities and Sandpiper Energy spokesman Jim Moore explained the burning torches were part of the ongoing conversion effort to convert the existing propane gas lines around the northern end of the county to natural gas. Moore explained the gas lines along that section of Route 50 were shut off and the remainder of the propane still in the lines was burned off.

When the process is completed, nitrogen will be injected into the gas lines to purify them and clean out the remainder of the propane and the torches will be used again to essentially siphon off the nitrogen. The gas lines will then be ready for the transmission of natural gas. It’s a process that is going on all over northern Worcester.

Berlin and the surrounding area have been converted and the process is now moving to the West Ocean City area. Eventually, residents and commercial properties that make the conversion should realize substantial savings on their energy bills along with the obvious environmental benefits. However, none of the new Sandpiper Energy natural gas customers will begin enjoying the savings until the entire process is completed. Moore said the process is moving along rather quickly although there is substantial work to do.

“It moving along pretty well,” he said. “We got Berlin done and now we’re moving into the West Ocean City area. It will be done in phases and this area where the flames could be seen on Wednesday is part of the next phase.”

Some West Ocean City customers could be converted as early as next week, according to Moore.

“It will be done in phases,” he said. “With this current section of West Ocean City, we hope to connect some customers as soon as next week. We had a little setback with getting the conversions from the main line to the properties, but we’ve worked through that and are moving along now.”