Cleanup Events Planned For Ocean City, Assateague

The Maryland Coastal Bays Program, the Town of Ocean City, the Ocean City Surf Club and Delmarva power will celebrate the Ocean Conservancy’s’ Annual International Coastal Cleanup Saturday, Sept. 20 at City Hall in Ocean City, and volunteers are invited to take the pledge of “take on the trash.”

Throughout the country people will be taking the time to celebrate this annual day by picking up trash. Last year, 648,015 people picked up more than 12 million pounds of trash (12,384,427) in over 92 countries for Coast Day.

Everyone and anyone is welcomed and encouraged to join in paying it forward by picking up trash. Amazingly, once you participate in a trash cleanup, you will find that you will always be picking up trash, which could be a small piece that might just be that piece that saves a bird or a marine mammal from harm, according to event organizers.

The event starts at City Hall. There you will receive trash bags, latex gloves, trash tally sheet and a commemorative T-shirt. Talley cards can be dropped back off at town hall or can be mailed to the Ocean Conservancy.

Thanks to Delmarva Power’s involvement in engaging environmental, governmental and business organizations in this region, volunteers in more than 50 locations throughout Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey will participate in this event. The annual cleanup in this area started in Delaware 27 years ago.  In 1994, the cleanup effort in this area expanded to include Maryland and Virginia.  Eventually, New Jersey was added to the mix.  (Virginia is no longer part of this effort since Delmarva power sold that portion of their electric service territory several years ago.)

If you would like to participate in the Ocean City Cleanup you can register ahead of time by contacting Sandi Smith at [email protected] or calling 410-213-2297 ext. 107.

Additionally, the Assateague Island Coastal Cleanup will be held on Saturday, Sept. 20, at Assateague Island National Seashore and Assateague State Park.

The event begins at 9 a.m. at the North Beach Parking Lot on Assateague Island National Seashore, and usually ends by 11 a.m. This event is part of the worldwide cleanup hosted by the Ocean Conservancy. Free T-shirts will be provided to volunteers (while supplies last) by Delmarva Power. Bring your gloves, bug spray, sunscreen and water. Trash bags will be provided and volunteers will be assigned to a cleanup location and given a tally sheet for tracking collections.

Some volunteers will be able to access sections of the Assateague beaches on board vehicles provided by the National Park Service. The Park Service only permits adults and older children in the vehicles. No dogs or small children (those who require car seats) may be transported in park vehicles. Private vehicles with an ORV permit are allowed to clean sections of the ORV zone on Assateague Island National Seashore. No other private vehicles are permitted to drive on the beach.

The Assateague Coastkeeper will lead volunteers who wish to clean up the Assateague bayside by boat, kayak or stand-up paddleboard. Bayside cleanup volunteers are asked to meet at 9 a.m. at the parking area for Old Ferry Landing on Assateague Island National Seashore.

For more information, please contact the Assateague Coastal Trust at 410-629-1538.