Worcester Preparatory School recently wrapped production of the musical “Grease”. It was the first time the school had ever produced the modified school version of the musical. Pictured, first row from left, are Lily Zechiel, Lauren Gosnear, Elena LaPlante, Lauren Meoli, Hayley Larsen, Laura Issel, Chandler Dennis and Victoria Middleton; second row, Mattie Maull, Carolyn Dorey, Claire Dorey, Greg LaMotte, Nik Moondra, Josh Willey, Isabel Dashiell, Fiona Reid and Emmi Shockley; third row, Sophia Tomaselli, Jarad Godwin, Cecily Sass, Razaak Eniola, Ariella Anthony, Jordan Kilgore, Devin Hammond, Mark Gee, Caroline Lewis and Daniel Rosa; and, back, Raphael De Jesus, Biola Eniola, Zach Oltman, Sambina Anthony, Lydia Pritchard, Davis Taylor, Megan Kuczma and Lorenzo De Jesus. Submitted Photos