Season of 1973
Volume XIX
Edition 5
Issue Highlights
Worcester County Health Officer Dr. William Fritz estimated there were 160 different restaurants in town and about 120 pools that will need to be inspected in advance of the summer season.
Reservations for the summer of 1973 were being taken at the Sandyhill Motel on the Boardwalk at 18th Street. New amenities included glass enclosed shower and tile bath, color television and telephone in each room.
Among those featured in Fran Huntt’s After Dark were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown, Joan Evans and Willie Stroh, Captain Bob’s; Dianne Cook, Hurricane; and Mike Furnari, Ronnie Wilson and Tom Ward, Carousel.
There was a story about soda fountain magic at Rayne’s Luncheonette on Dorchester Street that featured waitress Nanci Tyndall explaining how soda fountains are prepared.
Elliott’s Hardware was open daily on Baltimore Ave. and Wicomico Street. It was marketing itself as “A supermarket of needs for the homeowner and contractor.” It was closed on Sundays.