BERLIN — The following represents a compilation of recent releases documenting local students’ achievements at their designated colleges and universities
• Dr. Bashar Hanna, Delaware Valley College’s vice president for academic affairs and dean of the faculty, announced that Joshua Massey of Berlin has been honored for academic achievement by being named to the fall 2013 Dean’s List.
• Kelly Sullivan of Berlin has been named to Millersville University of Pennsylvania’s Dean’s List for the fall 2013 semester. The 1,560 students named to Millersville University’s fall 2013 Dean’s List earned a semester grade-point-average of 3.50 or higher and attempted at least 12 credits of course work.
• Elizabethtown (Pa.) College recently announced the names of students whose outstanding academic performances have earned them the recognition of being included on the fall 2013 dean’s list. Lindsey Miller, a political science major from Berlin, is included on the list. To earn this recognition, students must earn a semester grade point average of 3.60 or better in 14 or more credit hours, of which at least 12 credits are letter-graded course work.
• Area students making the dean’s list at James Madison University for the fall 2013 semester were Laura Bepko of Bethany Beach, a senior majoring in Athletic Training; Nicole Carpenter of Ocean City, a junior majoring in Interdisc Liberal Studies; and Amanda Schultz of Selbyville, a senior majoring in Psychology.
• More than 1,900 students have made the fall 2013 Dean’s List at Coastal Carolina University, including Erin Bunting of Selbyville, Del. and Kayla Terlizzi of Ocean City. To qualify for the Dean’s List, freshmen must earn a 3.25 grade point average, and upperclassmen must earn a 3.5 grade point average. To qualify for the President’s List, students must earn a 4.0 grade point average.
• Ashley Hrebik of Berlin made the Dean’s List for the fall semester at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech). This designation is awarded to undergraduate students who have a 3.0 or higher academic average for the semester.
• Graduating members of the University of Delaware’s Class of 2013 were honored and applauded for their achievements during Winter Commencement ceremonies held Sunday, Jan. 12, in the Bob Carpenter Center. Local graduates include Brittany Baker of Bethany Beach; Melissa Berzins of Bethany Beach; Taylor Johnson of Selbyville; and Adam Rashidi of Bethany Beach.