Voices From The Readers

Volunteering Rewarding
As a volunteer at the Worcester County Humane Society I feel the need to inform the public that there are still many loving and hardworking volunteers and employees who love and take care of all the cats and dogs at the shelter seven days a week. All of us who are at the shelter are there because we love the animals and we genuinely enjoy helping them.
When I started volunteering at the shelter in September, I didn’t know anyone who worked there or who volunteered there. I will continue to volunteer there regardless of who is in charge because I’m really only there for the animals and nobody else.
What I witness every day that I am there are dedicated employees and volunteers who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty cleaning up after the animals, who make sure all the animals get the vet care they need, and who talk to the animals and snuggle them. All of the animals.
For anyone considering volunteering at the shelter, we are still in need of volunteers. It is extremely rewarding spending time with those precious cats and dogs.
Tina Walas
West Ocean City

Winterfest Support
This is in response to Ms. Fisher’s letter regarding religious displays at the 2013 Winterfest of Lights.
I attended the opening ceremony this year and enjoyed everything; the school children singing, all the festive lights, the free tram ride through the lights and even the little snowflakes in the tent were we waited for the tram. It is quite evident that the OC Recreation and Parks Department employees and everyone else involved did an excellent job of putting this display together for everyone in and around our community to enjoy.
However, I must express my dismay that Ms. Fisher felt the need to bring her political views into such a festive, family occasion. My personal opinion is if you don’t like religious displays at Christmas, which is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, then don’t attend or participate in the festivities. Tis the season to be jolly. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
Nancy Cox
West Ocean City

Leave Display As Is
What a spectacular and joyride our family enjoys each year through Winterfest of Lights.
There are plenty of displays for all, the believers and the non-believers.
Christmas is the blessed birthday of Jesus that we celebrate and always will. So, don’t let anyone change Christmas to just another holiday.
Let us enjoy that day in our own special way and live in harmony.
Anna Cygan