While shopping in Walmart on Sunday, Jan. 23, an envelope containing money was lost. Realizing this several hours later, and not knowing for sure where the money envelope was misplaced a (by chance) phone call was placed to the Walmart store in Berlin. The employee took the phone number (of my son Kenny) they would call if it was returned.
A phone call was received on Monday morning. An employee found the envelope and all money was returned. Walmart would not allow a reward to be given for this good deed.
Congratulations to all the employees of Walmart and to the one who did this good deed, I thank you.
Beverly Kerns
Ocean City
Inspirational Work
I have been inspired again, by J. Graham Caldwell’s production of “Complicity” Saturday night, to write about the need for a first-class community theatre in Ocean Pines.
Such a facility, according to my experience with arranging conferences and meetings, could bring in considerable funding to Ocean Pines through rental to popular professional performers (perhaps on a monthly schedule); organizations having medium size conferences too small for the Ocean City facilities; and other types of rallies and meetings.
In addition, it would provide the type of cultural center available to children as well as adults resident in the surrounding communities for classes and participation in the theatrical and musical arts. A 500-seat theatre, with a professional performance averaging once per month at only $10 a ticket, could gross $60,000 annually. At half full on the average, it could still gross $30,000. Of course, special marketing would be needed to bring income to equilibrium after several years.
The performance Saturday night, Jan. 29, of the simulated radio show “Complicity,” by Radio Airwaves, a group formed by Ocean Pines Players, directed by Jack Caldwell and supported by talented local actors, was outstanding.
In my view, the script, and the performance by our own local talent, could not be improved upon even by professional Broadway actors at $150 per ticket. Phyllis and I paid Ocean Pines Players only $8 each plus a small contribution. An outstanding mystery script was also folded into a comedy, as well, by the artful gestures of our talented neighbors, who stood by reading platforms before a simulated radio audience (us) but used appropriate facial and voice expressions to bring out humor. The audience had the best of both worlds. The three hours for this performance seemed so short.
Ocean Pines Players, a non-profit organization, has been joined by its subsidiary Radio Airwaves (established with the leadership of Jack Caldwell) and Ocean Pines Players Children’s Theatre to form a Building Fund for planning and designing such a first-class cultural center for Ocean Pines. I am hopeful that many in our community will support this effort, and that we will all enjoy the superb and regular entertainment that such a facility will bring. Jack Caldwell, head of the Building Fund, can be reached at his address in the Ocean Pines directory.
Allen Brodsky
Ocean Pines
City Asked To Get More
Involved With Animals
(The following letter was addressed to Ocean City Mayor and City Council.)
A story in The Dispatch on Feb. 4 has raised some concern among the DAAR members and also illustrates the need for more proactive TNR in Ocean City. For the purposes of this letter the guilty party will remain nameless because their deed was far more important than their name.
The gist of the story is that an individual became so upset with some stray kittens making a ‘mess’ on his property that he threatened to shoot them if they were not removed. Ocean City Animal Control and some neighbors worked together to do a partial TNR of the colony but, apparently, this was not good enough for the eventual miscreant, who eventually took matters into his own hands and saw fit to murder at least one of the colony members. When questioned by the police the miscreant admitted “I am an avid hunter and it was a good shot.” He did not, however, admit any remorse at gunning down an innocent animal, going as far as to deny any wrongdoing when questioned about his actions in a courtroom.
Eventually the miscreant was fined a token amount for discharging a firearm within the city limits but avoided any fines or penalties with regards to animal cruelty statutes.
This entire episode illustrates the need for the city to adopt a comprehensive TNR Ordinance. At the meeting with the Police Commission a few weeks ago a rough draft of such an ordinance was passed out to the city representatives present at the meeting. The DAAR is still waiting for input from the representatives with regards to our proposal and is willing to meet with anyone who is interested in taking the ordinance to the next step, one that would finalize the wording and meet all of the criteria for the city to adopt the ordinance into law. Such an ordinance would have offered a small modicum of protection for the kitten and the balance of the colony from which she originated.
The longer we put off this discussion phase the more of the incidents as noted above will occur, which will lead to more innocent animals suffering needlessly. If ‘making a mess’ were the only criteria for wantonly shooting a living being then June-bugs and miscellaneous other summer visitors would be in severe risk of bodily injury. Fortunately we are a civilized society and such random acts of violence should not be accepted or condoned.
The kitten that died was a living, breathing, loving being and deserves respect for being one of God’s creatures. The colony that she originated from was being looked after and there was an effort to conduct active TNR processes within the colony.
However, without the protection of an active ordinance the colony was looked upon as ‘wild’ and under no one’s care, thus opening it up to the actions that needlessly took the life of one of the colony members.
It is the hope of the DAAR that the city will become more involved protecting the lives of our unowned animal friends and move forward on positive TNR legislation.
Paul Toulotte
Ocean City
(The writer is the founder of the Delmarva Association of Animal Rescuers.)
Citizen Disrespected
As an involved citizen in my community, I have attended and testified at Maryland House and Senate public hearings in Annapolis for almost 10 years now.
On Feb. 1, I drove in from Howard County to testify in favor of a bill submitted by Delegate Tony O’Donnell (R-Calvert/St. Mary’s) HB 28 – “Public Benefits – Requirement of Proof of Lawful Presence” – assigned to the Appropriations Committee.
It’s an important piece of legislation which would deny most non-emergency, taxpayer funded social services to those without lawful presence in our state. In a time of economic hardship for many citizens and massive budget deficits at the state and county level, HB 28 holds the promise of eliminating waste, fraud and abuse from overburdened public benefit programs.
Upon my arrival in Annapolis, I signed in to speak in support of HB 28 (and HB 34) as is proper procedure, along with others, and sat down in the hearing room to wait for my name to be called. The hearing, chaired by Delegate Norman Conway (D-Wicomico/Worcester) started off like any other. Delegate O’Donnell presented his bill to the committee, but instead of those in favor of HB 28 being called up to testify first, Delegate Conway changed standard protocol and immediately called up those opposed to HB 28 to appear at the witness table. Clearly Delegate Conway had a personnel agenda to fulfill by slighting Delegate O’Donnell and those in the room supporting HB 28.
For the next hour plus, I had to listen to the anti-citizen, pro-illegal alien nonsense espoused by groups such as CASA of Maryland, the ACLU and multiple Catholic and other ethnic/religious based groups as to why it was “our moral duty” to provide taxpayer funded social services to illegal aliens, residents who clearly have no moral or legal right to be in Maryland. No doubt these groups were afraid that the free services for their illegal alien clientele would end.
When these groups where finished, Delegate Conway abruptly ended the hearing and quickly disappeared into the back of the hearing room. At no time were those in the audience asked if there were any in attendance who wanted to testify in favor of HB 28. I rose and voiced my protest of this violation of my rights to testify at this public hearing but no one listened, including my own Delegate Guy Guzzone (D-Howard County) who told me it was a “mistake”.
On Feb. 1, 2011, my Constitutional protections were violated in Annapolis. Where do I go now to have my voice heard on Maryland-wide issues? Do Maryland’s elected officials, like Delegate Conway, now believe they can tell me when, where and what I can say? I will return to Annapolis to give testimony throughout the current session, especially against proposed in-state tuition for illegal aliens. I now know the levels the dominate party in office will go to in forcing their lawless agenda on our citizens. I will not run nor hide. I will dedicate myself to exposing their actions for all Marylanders to see.
Tom Young Howard County