Joanne Shriner
Staff Writer
OCEAN CITY – At this week’s Mayor and City Council meeting, a few items were finished up on second reading including authorization to sell surplus property, amendment of the bays Critical Area program and also an ordinance to amend entitled vehicles for hire.
There were a few discussions on some topics, along with some items added by citizens and council members. The following are some the highlights from the meeting:
(BOLD/CENTER)OC Museum Movie Showing
The Mayor and City Council approved the Ocean City Lifesaving Station Museum’s plan to feature “Violets are Blue”.
The movie was filmed in Ocean City in 1985. The event is being offered as a part of Locals/Membership week celebration. This is a new event for the town of Ocean City.
The movie will be shown on Friday, Oct. 29, starting at 7 p.m. It is being held in downtown Ocean City’s inlet parking lot. The public is to provide its own seating.
Waiver Approved To Allow
Downtown Fence To Remain
Bryant Bunting of Absolute Demolition asked the Mayor and City Council to allow the fence on 2nd Street and Philadelphia Avenue to remain in its current location. The fence was installed per direction from the Ocean City Development Corporation (OCDC) as part of the downtown beautification plan.
The Ocean City Planning Commission and OCDC gave approval of the fence installation after reviewing the submitted site plan.
The fence was placed in the city’s right-a-way and Bunting stated that the fence will be removed from the setback area upon the city’s request but wishes it to remain where it is for now.
City Solicitor Guy Ayres will write an agreement that the fence will be removed at owner’s expense shall the city deem that property necessary.
Community Questions
City Engineer’s Authority
During discussion of the ordinance to amend Entitled Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area Program, then-Council President Joe Mitrecic voiced concerns from a few community members.
People are wondering if all plans for the program go through Gail Blazer’s, Ocean City’s Environmental Engineer, office first. Terry McGean, Ocean City Engineer, replied that now with the ordinance falling under the stormwater management law, Critical Area would need a stormwater management conceptual review.
In order to gain a building permit, a conceptual review needs to be performed by Blazer as well as Blaine Smith, Ocean City Zoning Administrator. McGean also stated that this is not a project killer, it just needs to be done. But any motion can be appealed to him.
Off-season Taxi Medallion
Amendment Becomes Law
During discussion of the off-season policies of taxi medallions, a concerned citizen asserted the entire process is becoming to complicate. He stated that the taxis should be able to hold onto their medallions while they are not operating.
Councilman Doug Cymek responded the medallions are the property of the town when the cab companies do not need them. He added each medallion would be re-issued when the taxi becomes operable again.
Councilwoman Margaret Pillas added that this is a new system and it will need to be tweaked in order to make it less complicated.
Councilman Jim Hall announced a question that he had received from a local cab company who wanted to sell two of its medallions to another cab company. Hall asked if the cab companies could stockpile medallions or if the town could hold them for the purchaser. It was responded that the ordinance allows that the town will hold the medallions for the purchaser up to six months.
Water Filter Replacement Ahead
According to Dennis Dare, City Manager, it had become clear over the past summer that the water treatment plant’s filter media needs to be replaced. There has been some issues with it and has been awhile since the media has been replaced, which will help the quality of the water quite a bit. Bid openings will take place at a future meeting.
Toys For Tots Container
Placed In City Hall
Representing the Marine Corps League, Warren Disbrow asked if a Toys for Tots box could be placed in the front entrance of Town Hall.
According to Disbrow, last year the Marine Corps League collected 9,000 toys and $2,600 for unfortunate children. The goal for this holiday season is to collect 11,000 or more toys for Toys for Tots.
Councilwoman Mary Knight said there was no problem with it as long as it was would be regularly emptied and not overflowing.
City Hall will be collecting Toys for Tots Nov. 11 through Dec. 20.
New Idea For Boardwalk
Citizen Al Wendling presented AZEK boards, which are made of plastic, as a possible replacement of wooden boards in repairing the Boardwalk. He stated they are more flexible and durable than wood and there are no staples or drilling required.
Mitrecic responded the replacement of boards on the Boardwalk is on next week’s agenda. He added that the town has experimented with the plastic boards and they are not standing up to the tram’s traffic.
Mayor Thanks Corvettes
Mayor Rick Meehan took the time to thank the Free State Corvette Club that was in town last weekend. He said there were a large number of corvettes in the resort and the great thing about them are that they don’t really ride around that much but instead enjoy Ocean City’s beach, restaurants and other aspects of the area.
Meehan was invited to ride in the Corvette parade that took place on the Boardwalk last Sunday. There were 690 corvettes that participated in the parade and that was only a portion that was in town. The club also raised a large amount of money to go toward spina bifida.