Sept. 17: Caring for Loved Ones
With Alzheimer’s Disease Program
1-3 p.m., Woodlands of Ocean Pines. Sponsored by the Woodlands and Catered Living of Ocean Pines. Lunch will be provided. Cost: $2, in advance; $5, at the door. To RSVP, 410-208-5008.
Sept. 17-19: Gem, Mineral
& Jewelry Show
Friday: Noon-7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Ocean City Convention Center, 4001 Coastal Hwy., O.C. Cost: $4, admission. Ages 16 and under are free. For more information, or email: [email protected].
Sept. 17: Holy Savior/KC Bingo
Doors open 6 p.m.; games begin, 7 p.m.; 9901 Coastal Hwy., O.C. Re-freshments will be on sale. For more information, 410-524-7994.
Sept. 18: Church Rummage Sale
7 a.m.-1 p.m., Ocean City Pres-byterian Church, 1301 Philadelphia Ave., O.C.
Sept. 19: KC Breakfast Buffet
9 a.m.-noon, 9901 Coastal Hwy., O.C. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Includes coffee and juice. Cost: $9, adults; ages 9 and under $5. For more information, 410-524-7994.
Sept. 20: Democratic Women’s
Club Meeting
9 a.m., new members coffee hour; 10 a.m., meeting begins; Ocean Pines Community Center. Featured speaker will be Chuck Cook, discussing “The 2010 Election-Your Vote Counts.” For more information, 410-641-6683.
Sept. 21: KC Fried Hard Crab
or Crab Cake Dinner
5-8 p.m., Knights of Columbus Hall, 9901 Coastal Hwy., O.C. Eat-in or take-out. Cost: $18, person. For reservations by Sept. 20, 410-524-7994.
Sept. 22: Delmarva Hand Dancing
5:30-9 p.m., Jordan’s Rooftop Rest-aurant & Bar, at the Fenwick Inn, 138th St., O.C. Jitterbug, swing, cha-cha to the sounds of the 50’s & 60’s. Discounted food and drink prices. Beginner and intermediate dance lessons 5:30-6:30 p.m. For more info, 302-934-7951 or visit:
Sept. 23: Republican Women
10:30 a.m., doors open; 11 a.m., lunch with speaker to follow; BJ’s on the Water, 75th St., O.C. Sponsored by the Republican Women of Wor-cester Co. Featured speaker will be Michael McDermott, mayor of Poco-moke and candidate for Delegate 38B on “Answering the call for voters: how 2010 can be the beginning of two party politics in Maryland.” For more information, 410-208-9767 or email [email protected].
Sept. 25: Homemade Pies
& Chicken Salad Pick-up
10 a.m.-1 p.m.; Showell UMC, 10115 Pitts Rd., Showell. Spon-sored by the Showell Christian Workers. Homemade pies, $9 and chicken salad pints, $6 each. To place an order by Sept. 25, 410-352-5163 or 302-436-8942.
Sept. 25: Fall Festival
2-6 p.m., Holy Trinity Cathedral, 11021 Worcester Hwy. (Md. 575 & 90), Berlin. Hayrides, pony rides, moon bounce, food, crafts, games, music, face painting. Admission is free. For more information, 410-641-4882.
Sept. 25: Star Charities
Alzheimer’s Fundraiser
4 p.m., American Legion Post #123, 10111 Old Ocean City Blvd., Berlin. Dinner, coffee and cake included. Cash bar and Music by Bob Hughes. Cost: $20, each. For tickets, 410-641-5570 or 410-641-7667.
Sept. 27: Believe In Tomorrow’s
Beach Bash
5-10 p.m., Seacrets Bar & Grill, 117 West, 49th St. To benefit the Believe In Tomorrow House By The Sea. Buffet featuring speciality menu items from OC’s favorite restaurants. Silent auction and $10,000 drawing. Cost: $40 admission; $45, at the door. Or purchase a $100 raffle ticket which includes admission & chance to win $10,000. There are only 225 raffle tickets available. Tickets available at the Believe in Tomorrow House, on 66th St. For more information, 410-723-2842.
Sept. 27-29: Atlantic UMC Thrift
Shop’s Bag Sale
Help clear out the summer clothes. Anything you can get in a bag for $3. Bags will be furnished. Shop will close Thursday, Sept. 20 and re-open Friday, Oct. with all fall and winter clothes.
Sept. 29: Delmarva Hand Dancing
5:30-9 p.m., Jordan’s Rooftop Rest-aurant & Bar, at the Fenwick Inn, 138th St., O.C. Jitterbug, swing, cha-cha to the sounds of the 50’s & 60’s. Beginner and intermediate dance lessons 5:30-6:30 p.m. For more information, 302-934-7951 or visit:
Sept. 30: Bill & Karen Itzel Family Gospel Concert
7 p.m., Friendship United Methodist Church, 10537 Friendship Rd., Ber-lin. No tickets are required but a love offering will be taken.
Sept. 30: Card Party Luncheon To Benefit The American
Cancer Society
10:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Clubhouse at Lighthouse Sound in Bishopville. Cost: $25, person which includes continental breakfast, door prizes, lunch, dessert and silent auction. 410-742-1022.
Oct. 2-3: OC Coin & Currency Show
Saturday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Ocean City Con-vention Center, 4001 Coastal Hwy. & 40th St. Forty coin and currency dealers will be buying, selling and trading old US and World coins and currency. Free admission, parking and appraisals. For more information, 443-623-7025 or visit:
Oct. 3: Breakfast Fundrasier
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Community Church, Ocean Pines. All proceeds benefit Volunteers In Missions trip to Nashville, Tenn. in March to aid flood victims. Menu includes eggs, pancakes, sausage, coffee and juice. Cost: $6, at the door.
Oct. 3: Blessing Of The Animals
1 p.m., in the parking lot of Church of the Holy Spirit, Coastal Hwy. & 100th St. Pets should be on leashes or otherwise under their owners control. any size, shape or type of pet is welcome. For more information, 410-723-1973.