ARIES (March 21 to April
19): A perplexing situation needs to be dealt with in order to avoid problems
later on. Rely on both your own sense of what’s right and the advice of someone
you trust to help work it out.
TAURUS (April 20 to May
20): Let your sharp Taurean business insight guide you when considering a
"dream deal." Without all the facts, it could turn into a nightmare.
Remember: Investigate before investing.
GEMINI (May 21 to June
20): Sharing so much of your time and your gifts with others is what you do so
well, and this week, don’t be surprised if others want to share with you. Enjoy
the experience. You’ve earned it.
CANCER (June 21 to July
22): A difficult personal situation seems to defy efforts to resolve it.
Perhaps you’re too close to it. Take some time to reassess what went wrong, and
then see where things can be set right.
LEO (July 23 to Aug.
22): Leonine pride could be piqued a bit when someone else appears to be
standing in your light. Be patient and resist the urge to growl at the interloper.
You’ll soon be the "mane" attraction again.
VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept.
22): A professional situation benefits from your clear assessment of the
circumstances involved. On the personal side, that new relationship looks as if
it will continue to grow.
LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct.
22): More good news about a loved one helps reassure others who could not share
your more-optimistic view before. Continue to help everyone in need of your
comforting presence.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov.
21): Creating new friendships could turn out to be the unexpected but welcome
result of reconnecting with old friends. The weekend is a good time for fun and
games. Enjoy!
Dec. 21): The more you learn about what you plan to do, the more likely you are
to consider making some changes in your plans. This is good; don’t resist it.
Instead, go with it.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to
Jan. 19): A career change is still in your aspect, but a potential workplace
change could be what you’ve been looking for. See what develops before making
any drastic moves.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to
Feb. 18): Your energy levels are high this week, which should help you get all
your workaday tasks done and still leave you with enough breath to handle some
domestic challenges.
PISCES (Feb. 19 to March
20): An unexpected fluke could cause problems with your travel plans. If so,
use the time to troll for other available options, and you might be pleasantly
surprised at what turns up.
enjoy the company of lots of people, but you also can treasure the moments
shared with just one special person.
(c) 2010 King Features
Synd., Inc.