Healthcare For All Is A Fundamental Right
Those who proclaim that government has no business getting involved in our healthcare are either ignorant of the founding principles of our nation or are intentionally ignoring or misrepresenting them.
Our Declaration of Independence states two basic propositions: (1) that we are all created equal with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and (2) that we create governments, with our consent, to protect those rights. Health is without doubt an inseparable aspect of individual life, liberty and happiness.
The preamble to our Constitution states that “We, the people” establish our government to “form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity”. A healthy citizenry is clearly an asset both to domestic tranquility and to the common defense, and good health is undeniably an intrinsic component of the general welfare.
It is obvious, then, that promoting and providing for the health of all our citizens on an equal basis is part and parcel of the fundamental reasons why we founded our nation and established our government. Those who continue to argue otherwise are likely motivated by ruthless partisan politics or personal greed – or both. Those of us who know better need to speak out forcefully for a return to those principles we profess to hold so dear.
Joseph Ellis
Ocean City
Disappointed By Stance
I wrote a few weeks ago to express my concern for what might happen if the “public option” were to become part of the national healthcare reform bill.
I am even more concerned after hearing one of our local state delegates speak at a public forum Nov. 24. Thought Delegate Mathias and Delegate Conway graciously accepted an invitation to speak and hear our concerns, Delegate Mathias soon let our group know that if our suggestions were to be considered, we must “put up our $25” and be elected to a public office as he had.
This seems to be the attitude of many of our local, state and national representatives. Our votes are needed but not our input. Many politicians on both sides of the aisle cannot imagine someone outside of their political view having a worthy question or solution. They fail to understand that it is their responsibility to represent the best interest of the majority of their constituents, not their particular political party.
As long as we elect those who choose to lecture us on what they feel is best for us, instead of listening to our concerns and considering out ideas, we can expect decisions made by political elitists that are only in their best interest. It is our responsibility to become educated citizens that cannot be led by promises or satisfied with excuses. We must elect representatives who understand their responsibility under the constitution and dismiss those who fail.
Randy Ahalt
Ocean City
Meetings Provide A
Productive Forum
The Worcester County chapter of American’s for Prosperity welcomed State Delegates Mathias and Conway to its Nov. 24 meeting. The delegates fielded the questions – some of them ‘hardball’ – with skill and honesty, and afterwards both delegates stated that they felt that the forum was both fair and productive.
The meeting was held at the Ocean Pines Community Center, and as was the case with previous meetings the room was filled with more than 125 informed, concerned citizens. There was no partisan politicking; it was a conversational, informal venue, and the AFP members were prepared with questions and concerns addressing the important issues of the day.
In its first three meetings, the Worcester chapter of American’s for Prosperity – a non-partisan, patriotic, political activist group – has averaged more than 130 members present. The chapter continues to grow, adding members daily, and participates in rallies in D.C. and Annapolis, as well as at tea parties and town halls. The group meets monthly to share information and formulate the strategies necessary to battle the ‘big government’ assault on the constitution, capitalism, and the rights of the individual.
The next meeting of the Worcester AFP is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 18, 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Ocean Pines Community Center. Yes we are all busy in December, the holidays are coming; but so is unparalleled federal debt, deficit and inflation, as well as the dismantling of our individual liberties.
To learn more about Americans for Prosperity and/or to join the local chapter, see the website at .
Steve Lind
Ocean Pines
Holiday Dinner
Surpasses All Hopes
Thank you Ocean City Baptist Church, our Ocean City Community and visitors. We had an amazing 30th free Thanksgiving Dinner. We were scheduled to start at 11:30 am and finish at 3:30 pm. We started 15 minutes early and within two hours had served more than last year. We closed up at 3:30 pm after serving about 340 folks who ate with us and delivering or giving out another 350 meals. We were afraid we were going to run out of food but it held out to the end. We cooked, carved, and served 32 turkeys, plus gravy, mashed potatoes, peas, sweet potatoes, corn, sauerkraut, bread, and a great variety of desserts. We had over 100 volunteer helpers, from every church in Ocean City, as well as folks from all over Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, and Massachusetts who came to help us. I am amazed at the people who come to help us, they are rich and poor, they are elderly and young. A dozen families brought their children to help us and they worked very hard to make everyone feel at home. Our members who direct the whole activity struggle just to make sure our volunteers have something to do while they are with us.
This was our 30th year doing the dinner, it was our largest ever. The weather was beautiful, the fellowship sweet, and the meal was great. After 30 years of doing this I am still amazed that while we budget every year for this special day, we have never had to pay from our budget. The donations from our members carry the bulk of the cost, but the community donates turkeys, pies, potatoes, canned goods, and money. It is the proverbial "feeding of the five thousand" every year. God truly blesses us and our community each time. Thank you for your prayers and support.
I would like to name the people most responsible for the success of this dinner, but it would be a fairly large list. I have gotten most of the credit, but by far did the least of the work. Ultimately all the glory goes to our Lord Jesus.
Terry and Lynn Davis
Gratitude For Help
Our cat, Ike, disappeared Monday, Nov. 16, and came home on his own Sunday, Nov. 29, a little skinnier but otherwise healthy.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the following people, in no particular order: Patty, Hope, Sherry, Nancy, Becky, Kathy, Kristen, Stewart, Tony, members of the Delmarva Irish-American Club and the Caine Woods Civic Association, Barbara and Donald of Ocean City Animal Control, employees of the Ocean City Public Works Department and Recreation and Parks Department, the Worcester County Humane Society and the many residents, visitors, friends, strangers and business owners whose names I did not get but who offered their assistance, support and concern during the 13 days Ike was AWOL.
The compassion, suggestions and guidance we received during this ordeal is truly amazing, proving once again that Ocean City is a great place to live. Our thanks to all.
Elizabeth and Dennis Dare
and Tina (Ike’s sidekick)
Ocean City