BERLIN – With at least two meetings planned to receive comments on the future draft Berlin Comprehensive Plan, citizens will also have a less public way to get their views across.
Every home in the town of Berlin will receive a survey seeking input on the new Berlin Comprehensive Plan, with questions on the future of the town, preservation of architectural integrity and environmental conservation.
The Comprehensive Plan survey will also be accessible through the town of Berlin website, when it is released. There will be a mechanism in place to restrict survey access to Berlin citizens.
There is no word yet on when that survey will be sent out or made available on the Internet, but the Berlin Mayor and Council could see the survey for approval as early as next week, according to Berlin Administrative Director Linda Bambary.
“I believe this is an excellent opportunity for any citizen who wishes to let their voice be heard in a very convenient and systematic manner,” said Berlin interim Mayor Gee Williams.
With two Comprehensive Plan preliminary visioning meetings completed, the most recent one this week, the town of Berlin could assume that everyone who wanted to speak had already had an opportunity, but Williams said he recognizes some people are not comfortable speaking in public.
The Comprehensive Plan opinion survey will give those citizens a way to express their viewpoint in private and will also reach those who are more casually interested in town affairs or not able to attend meetings.
“Their opinion is valued, too,” Williams said. “I’m hoping this will give everyone a chance to express their views.”
The interim mayor also asked the Berlin Planning Commission to consider holding a public meeting after that body receives the final draft of the new Comprehensive Plan and before approving the plan for submission to the council.
Once the Berlin Planning Commission adopts the final draft of the Comprehensive Plan, and recommends it to the town council, the elected officials will hold a public hearing on the plan for further input before finally passing it.
Input from the survey and through the two recent visioning meetings will aid consultant Tim Bourcier in drafting the long overdue new version of the town’s comprehensive plan.
“I don’t care who says what about what. We just want to know what you think,” Williams said.