Vehicle Wash Deal A Waste Of Funds
Why should the town waste $60,000 on washing town cars when what the town should do is call the snow hill jail and have a fleet of nonviolent offenders brought in to wash vehicles six days a week? Who do you think washes state police cars through out the state?
Lets let these people give back to the community. After all, where they will wash busses is next to the police station behind a fence and the non-violent offenders pose no danger to the public and they need some fresh air so put your money back in your pocket.
Adam Bandiere
Smoking Is Not A Violation Of Rights
This is concerning Scott Corey’s rant about his "right" to smoke in public in last week’s issue.
Why is it that smokers don’t seem to get it? It’s not about you. It’s about not being allowed to force your addiction on those around you in public.
Smoking kills about 100 times as many people in the U.S. as all illegal drugs combined and is about the stupidest and most self destructive decision a person can make. You can at least keep it to yourself.
Daniel Heinecke
More Analysis On Sept. 11 Needed
George Benton is to be thanked for his recent analysis of the collapse of the World Trade Center. He did not do complete justice, however, to the especially mysterious fate of Building 7. The BBC, for instance, was somehow able to broadcast news of Building 7’s collapse at least ten minutes before it happened. How did they know?
Like WTC 1 and 2, Building 7 disintegrated instantaneously and fell straight down at free fall velocity, a defiance of the laws of physics even more remarkable because, unlike the twin towers, it was not struck by an airplane, sustaining only relatively minor damage to the facade from the flying debris of Building 1, a hundred yards away.
Another difference is that the bottom floor of WTC 7 went out first, and then the center of the building “crimped,” allowing the structure to collapse inward, even more similar to a conventional controlled demolition than WTC 1 and 2. The collapse can be viewed by going to YouTube or Google Video and searching for WTC 7.
The National Institute of Statistics and Technology has asserted that the building was fatally weakened by fire, but no steel-framed building in history has ever collapsed because of fire, even though many have sustained much more intense and widespread fire than the WTC.
The building’s owner, finally, Larry A. Silverstein, said in a PBS interview that the fire commandant told him late in the afternoon that it might be impossible to contain the fire. This is especially curious, since FEMA reported that firefighting attempts had ended hours earlier. Nonetheless, Silverstein thought it best to “pull it” and the fire commandant gave the order that it be pulled. “And then we watched the building collapse,” says Silverstein.
On another video, demolition professionals can be heard using the word “pull” to mean destroy. In any case, the collapse was very profitable for Silverstein, who won a $7 billion insurance payout for his losses.
Still other mysteries remain. But the greatest mystery is this: the 9/11 Commission fails even to mention Building 7 anywhere in its report. That report is therefore incomplete, to put it very charitably. Clearly we need another investigation. We do not need to assume some complex, high-level conspiracy to know that there are many, many unanswered questions.
Joel Roache
Noel Reaches Out
The Noel Community continues its outreach program during the cold winter months. We are in need of gloves, hats, socks and blankets. This Valentine’s Day, open your heart and share the gift of warmth during our sixth annual gLOVEs drive. Please consider dropping off a donation of a new pair of gloves, socks, blankets, or hats at the Ocean Pines Library on Cathell Road, the Ocean City Library on 14th Street, or the Berlin Library on Main Street between Jan. 28 and Feb. 14.
The Noel Community
Shelter Says Thanks For 2007 Support
The Worcester County Humane Society would like to thank everyone that contributed to the Society in the year 2007. We received wonderful contributions all year including during the holiday season.
We are so grateful to our volunteers and generous supporters. Without you, our work would not be possible. From monetary support and fundraisers to toys, beds, blankets and food, no donation was too small and all benefited our animals.
We hope 2008 will be just as prosperous. Thanks again for all the community support on behalf of our animals.
Kenille Davies
(The writer is the president of the Worcester County Humane Society.)