Berlin Parade Turns 37
BERLIN – Berlin’s 37th Annual Christmas Parade will be held on Thursday, Dec. 6 at 7 p.m. The parade officially kicks off a number of Christmas events scheduled for December, and this year’s theme is “I Believe.”
The parade is sponsored by the Berlin Lions Club, in cooperation with the Berlin Volunteer Fire Company, the Town of Berlin and the merchants of the town. All costs of conducting the parade are covered by donations from Berlin area businesses.
Due to time constraints, this year’s parade will be limited to 80 entries, which are reminded that the parade route will be the same as last year.
All entries must enter the parade line-up at the intersection of Route 113 and Franklin Avenue at the Berlin Intermediate School. Berlin Volunteer Fire Company representatives will be located along Franklin Avenue and will direct entrants to their line-up number. The parade will commence at the Berlin Fire Company on North Main Street and conclude at the corner of South Main Street and Tripoli Street.
Categories for the parade include adult and student sponsored floats, adult and children’s marching units, fire companies, commercial units, vehicle clubs, motorcycles, antique cars and equestrian entries. In each category, trophies will be awarded for first, second and third place.
Individuals or organizations wishing to enter the parade should contact Gail West at 410-603-7609 or 410-641-4245.
OC Parade Marks 25 Years
OCEAN CITY – The 25th Annual Ocean City Christmas Parade marches along Coastal Highway on Saturday, Dec. 1 at 11 a.m.
The holiday parade starts at 100th Street and marches northbound in the southbound lanes of Coastal Highway to the Gold Coast Mall at 115th Street. More than 80 units will participate, including high school bands, horses, llamas, antique cars and colorful floats.
Professional judges will be on hand to review bands and other marching units in nine categories. Trophies will be awarded inside the mall following the parade for first, second and third places in each category, according to Elaine Jarvis of the Gold Coast Mall Merchants Association, sponsor of the Ocean City Christmas Parade. Participants are still welcome to join the parade; call Jarvis at 410-524-9000. There is no charge to participate.
Plenty of seating will be located in the parking lot of the Gold Coast Mall. Spectators will not be permitted to watch the parade from the median area of Coastal Highway. The parade is expected to last approximately two hours. Motorists traveling in the area are reminded that traffic pattern changes will occur starting at approximately 9 a.m.