The Art League of Ocean City is holding its first ever photograph show "Through the Lens." Monetary prizes were awarded at the opening reception Friday, Sept. 7. First and second prizes went to Lisa Tossey for her digital prints "Mardi Gras" and "Road to Assateague." Robert Heron’s photograph "Sun Chair Reflection" took third place. Honorable mentions were awarded to Susan Koster for "Beyond Here, There Be Dunes," Rina Thaler for "Three in a Row," Matthew Amey for "Northside Heron," and Arlene Advocat for "Afternoon Sun." Walter Schumacher also was awarded an honorable mention along with the coveted People’s Choice for his "Crab Shanty." Professor Don Peterson of Salisbury University was the judge. Pictured, from left, are Thaler, Amey, Tossey, Ruby and Schumacher.