Assateague Island Oasis: 410-629-1492, Rt. 611; Friday & Saturday, Aug. 31 & Sept. 1: Patrick McAllorum; Sunday, Sept. 2 & Wednesday, Sept. 5: Jon Pheasant. All entertainment starts at 6:30 p.m.
Blue Ox & Babe’s Lounge: 410-250-6440, 127th St. & Coastal Hwy.; Friday, Aug. 31: Pete & Perm; Saturday, Sept. 1: Rick Kennedy.
Buxy’s Salty Dog: 410-289-0973, 28th St. & Coastal Hwy.; Every Friday: DJ Wood; Saturday, Sept. 1: Crowded Outhouse; Sunday, Sept. 2: DJ BK; Tuesday, Sept. 4: Pirate Radio; Thursday, Sept. 6: DJ T&A.
Caribbean bar & Grill: 410-289-0837, 2nd St. & Boardwalk; Friday, Aug. 31: Dave Sherman, 1-5 p.m., Pompous Pie, 7:30-11:30 p.m.; Saturday, Sept. 1: The Moodswingers, 1-5 p.m., Wes Davis, 7:30-11:30 p.m.; Sunday, Sept. 2: No Byscuyts, 1-5 p.m., Opposite Directions, 7:30-11:30 p.m.; Monday, Sept. 3: Dave Sherman.
Castaway’s: 410-524-9090, 64th St. Bayfront; Friday, Aug. 31; Tear The Roof Off; Saturday, Sept. 1: The Blue Method; Sunday, Sept. 2: Banana Boom; Every Thursday: Reggae Jam with Zion Reggae Band & DJ Wax.
Clarion Hotel: 410-524-3535, 10100 Coastal Hwy; Ocean Club: Friday-Sunday, Aug. 31-Sept. 2: Arizona. Lenny’s Beach Bands: Friday-Sunday, Aug.31-Sept. 2: Arizona.
Coins: 410-289-3100, 28th St. Plaza; Saturday, Sept. 1: Lauren Glick Band.
Fager’s Island: 410-524-5500, 60th St. in the Bay; Deck: Friday, Aug. 31: Kevin Poole, 6-10 p.m., DJ Yummy, 10 p.m.; Saturday, Sept. 1: Back 2 Life, 6-10 p.m., DJ Yummy 10 p.m.; Sunday, Sept. 2: Back 2 Life, 6-10 p.m., DJ Wood, 10 p.m.-Close; Monday, Sept. 3: World famous deck party with DJ Batman, 5-9 p.m., DJ Yummy, 9 p.m.; Thursday, Sept. 6: DJ Wood, 10 p.m.-close.
Inside, 10 p.m.: Friday-Sunday Aug.-Sept. 2: The Loop; Every Sunday: Jazz Brunch with Everett Spells Project 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m; Monday, Sept. 3: Deck Party with Animal House; Every Wednesday: Euro Dance Party & DJ Dima, sunset-close.
Galaxy 66: 410-723-6762, 66th St. Bayside; Friday, Aug. 31: Lower Case Blues; Saturday, Sept. 1: DJ Rizz; Every Tuesday: Skye Bar Retro Party; Every Wednesday: Bryan Russo.
Globe, The: 410-641-0784, 12 Broad St., Berlin; Friday, Aug. 31: The Moodswingers; Saturday, Sept. 1: Earl Beardsley & The Backfin Banjo Band, 7-10 p.m.; Sunday, Sept. 2: Champagne Jazz Brunch with Shane Gamble Duo, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.: Monday, Sept. 3: Closed; Tuesday, Sept. 4: Phil Knight; Wednesday, Sept. 5: Patrick McAllorum; Thursday, Sept. 6: Tom Principato.
Greene Turtle (North): 410-723-2120, 11601 Coastal Hwy.; Every Friday: DJ Wax; Every Saturday: DJ Wood; Every Sunday: DJ Yummy; Every Monday: DJ Chuck D; Every Tuesday: DJ Wood; Every Wednesday: DJ Batman; Every Thursday: DJ Wax.
Greene Turtle (West): 410-213-1500, Route 611 W.O.C.; Every Friday: DJ Batman; Saturday, Sept. 1: DJ Wax; Thursday, Sept.6: DJ Breeze Mon.
Harborside: 410-213-1846, South Harbor Rd., West O.C.; Every Friday: Billy T; Every Saturday: Crowded Outhouse, 2-6 p.m, DJ Batman, 10 p.m.; Every Sunday: Opposite Directions, 2-6 p.m, DJ Rogue/DJ Naked; Every Monday: DJ Wax; Every Tuesday: DJ Soulfinger; Every Wednesday: DJ Rupe; Every Thursday: Opposite Directions.
House of Welsh: 1-888-666-0728, 1106 Coastal Hwy., Fenwick Island Del.; Every Wednesday: Bob Hughes; Every Friday & Saturday: Bobby Burns, 5-8 p.m., Dennis Fox, 8-11 p.m.; Every Sunday: Bobby Burns.
Iguana Surf: 410-213-1519, 12924 Sunset Ave.; Sunday, Sept. 2: Zion Reggae Band; Every Thursday: DJ Hab.
Jive: 410-524-1111, 82nd St. & Bay; Friday, Aug. 31: No Byscuyts; Saturday, Sept. 1: Philly George; Sunday, Sept. 2: Philly George; Every Thursday: Philly George, 8 p.m.-Midnight.
Jordan’s Rooftop: 410-250-1867, 138th St. & Coastal Hwy., Top Floor Fenwick Inn; Saturday, Sept. 1: Michael Hoover as Elvis; Sunday, Sept. 2: Hubcaps.
Macky’s: 410-723-5565, 54th St Bayside; Every Friday: Beach Bash with DJ Rupe; Saturday, Sept. 1: DJ Cowboy; Every Monday: Euro Party with Mic Ep; Tasty Tuesday with DJ Yummy.
Marina Deck in the Pines: 410-641-5590, Food Lion Shopping Center at the South Gate off Racetrack Rd.; Every Thursday-Saturday: Kathy Silva on the piano.
Micky Fins: 410-213-9033, 12952 Inlet Isle Lane, West Ocean City; Saturday, Sept. 1: Debbie Caldwell Band; Sunday, Sept. 2: Tear The Roof Off; Monday, Sept. 3: Tom Larsen; Every Tuesday: Deck Party with DJ Jawz, 6-10 p.m.
M.R. Ducks: 410-289-9125, Talbot St on the Bay, Block south of Rt. 50 bridge; No Cover 4-9 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 31: Dr. Harmonica & Rocket 88; Saturday, Sept. 1: Johnny Bling; Sunday & Monday, Sept. 2 & 3: Mary Lou & The Untouchables.
Nantuckets: 302-539-2607, 800-362-DINE; Every Tuesday & Sunday: Nancy Micciulla.
Phillips By The Sea: 410-289-9121, Phillips Beach Plaza Hotel, 13th St. Oceanfront; Every Wednesday-Sunday; Jazz duo with Dale Britt & Rhonda Apple; Every Tuesday: Dale Britt jazz pianist.
Pickles Pub: 410-289-4891, On Coastal Highway Between 7th & 8th St.; Call For Entertainment.
Pulse Nite Club: 410723-1711, 45th St. Village; Friday, Aug. 31: Funky Friday; Saturday, Sept.1: South Beach Party; Sunday, Sept. 2: Ibiza Dance Party; Monday, Sept. 3: Adrenalin Dance Party; Tuesday, Sept. 4: Locals Night; Wednesday, Sept. 5: DJ Yummy; Thursday, Sept. 6: DJ Rupe.
Purple Moose: 410-289-6953, Btwn. Caroline & Talbot Sts. on the Boardwalk; Friday-Sunday, Aug. 31-Sept. 2: Stiff Richard; Every Friday-Sunday: The Other Blues Brother, 2-6 p.m.; Every Saturday: DJ Batman, 2-6 p.m.; Monday-Wednesday, Sept. 3-5: Dixie Normus; Every Tuesday; College Keg Night with The Other Blues Brother; Thursday, Sept. 6: Kashmir.
Scotty’s Bayside Tavern: 302-436-1941, 11 West Fenwick Station, W. Fenwick Island.; Friday & Saturday: DJ Tony.
Seacrets: 410-524-4900, 49th St. & Coastal Hwy.; Friday, Aug. 31: Jim Long Band, DJ Gage, Blacksheep, The Amish Outlaws & DJ Tuff; Saturday, Sept. 1: Jim Long Band, Jah Works, DJ Gage, Shane Gamble, DJ Tuff and DJ Tuff; Sunday, Sept. 2: Crushing Day, Jah Works, Power Play with Jim Long and DJ Tuff; Monday, Sept. 3: The Naturals; Tuesday, Sept. 4: Power Play with Jim Long and Zion Reggae Band; Wednesday, Sept. 5: Anthem & Jim Long Band; Thursday, Sept. 6: Jim Long Band, Big Bang Baby & Dance Party with DJ Batman.
Shark, The: 410-723-1221, 46th St. Bayside; Friday, Aug. 31: Opposite Directions; Saturday, Sept. 1: Scott Lockhart, 5 p.m., Cree-N-Rey, 9 p.m.; Sunday, Sept. 2: Joe Smooth & Harry O, 6 p.m., Cree-N-Rey, 9 p.m.; Thursday, Sept. 6; No Byscuyts 6 p.m., DJ H-Town, 10 p.m.
Shenanigan’s: 410-289-7181, Located in the Shoreham Hotel. 4th St. & The Boards; Friday-Sunday, Aug. 31-Sept. 2: Gerry Malone.
Smitty McGee’s: 302-436-4716, Rte. 54-West Fenwick Ireland, Del.; Every Thursday: Randy Lee Ashcraft; Every Sunday: Chris Button.
Station 7: 410-835-3577, 7456 Gumboro Rd., Pittsville: Call for entertainment.
Steer Inn Tavern: 410-208-1900, 10514 Racetrack Rd., Berlin: Friday, Aug. 31: Nothin’ But Trouble; Saturday, Sept. 2: Lower Case Blues.
Sunset Grille: 410-213-8110, 12933 Sunset Ave., West Ocean City; Every Friday: Randy Lee Ashcraft; Saturday, Sept. 1: TBA; Sunday, Sept. 2: Zion Reggae Band; Every Thursday: The Lauren Glick Band.
Windows on the Bay: 410-723-3463, 61st & the Bay; Friday, Aug. 31: Paul Cullen; Every Saturday & Monday; Elsworth Wheatley; Sunday, Sept. 2: Deck Party with Act II.