AGH Doctor Honored
BERLIN – Dr. Gregory W. Stamnas, medical director of hospital medicine at Atlantic General Hospital, was among those honored with the award for Medical Director of the Year by TeamHealth Hospital Medicine, which has a presence in 100 hospitals across the nation. Four physicians were selected as regional award recipients from among approximately 500 hospitalists working at 100 hospitals.
Stamnas joined the hospital medicine division of TeamHealth East in October 2005. Under the direction of Stamnas, the hospital medicine program at Atlantic General Hospital has grown to include about 85 percent of the medical admissions and many of the preoperative consultations, according to Dr. Anthony Giorgio, regional medical director of TeamHealth East. Stamnas has appeared on several local radio programs and in newspaper articles pertaining to healthcare and the role of hospital medicine at Atlantic General Hospital and in the community.
“As medical director, Dr. Stamnas has served Atlantic General and TeamHealth East with distinction, dedication, and integrity,” Giorgio stated. “He is a competent, capable physician who feels that the patient’s care is of the utmost importance.”
In addition to traveling extensively during his military career as an Air Force physician, Stamnas has also participated in a number of medical missionary expeditions. He previously worked as a family practitioner, and prior to joining TeamHealth East, Stamnas worked for two years as a hospitalist at Atlantic General Hospital.
Stamnas received his medical degree from Emory University in Atlanta. He is a resident of Ocean Pines and is married to Eileen Stamnas. They have one daughter, Rue Alexandra.
The field of hospital medicine has attracted much attention in recent years as the fastest growing medical specialty. Hospitals are increasingly contracting with companies like TeamHealth to improve healthcare quality and efficiency and patient satisfaction.
“We are proud of these physicians who manifest excellent leadership competencies and who are helping TeamHealth define this developing field of hospital medicine,” said Dr. Stacy Goldsholl, president of TeamHealth Hospital Medicine. “We also take pride in our relationship with Atlantic General Hospital and congratulate their leadership in our shared mission to provide quality medical care to the community through the establishment of a hospital medicine program. At a time when providing access to quality medical care is a great challenge for our nation, the value of this kind of partnership is underscored by recognition of excellence. Hospital medicine plays a great role in providing care, and these physicians are leading the way.”
PRMC Takes Over Berlin Program
SALISBURY – Following six years where Peninsula Regional Medical Center and Atlantic General Hospital have worked collaboratively on the program, on Sept. 1 Peninsula Regional and its Peninsula Heart Center become solely responsible for the ownership and operation of the Maintenance Cardiovascular/Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Adult Fitness Program in Berlin.
The service, founded by Atlantic General Hospital in 2001 to meet the cardiovascular and pulmonary needs of Worcester County heart patients, has been continuously staffed and managed by a clinical team from Peninsula Regional providing oversight and health maintenance.
“Atlantic General’s ability to provide a site and initiate this program is a testament to our mission of promoting access to health care services in our community. Since the program’s inception, we have worked collaboratively with Peninsula Regional Medical Center through a management agreement to provide the clinicians, oversight and practices for this service. Peninsula Regional has been excellent in the operation of this service and has served Worcester County well in their capacity as a regional cardiac center,” said Atlantic General Hospital President and CEO, Michael Franklin. “This transition facilitates our commitment to the identification of the greatest needs for programs and services that will benefit the greater number of residents in our service area.”
Peninsula Regional offers patients the Eastern Shore’s only cardiothoracic surgical program and is home to the largest Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention program in Maryland on its Salisbury campus.
“The positive experience and professional working relationship between our Medical Center and Atlantic General Hospital will allow a smooth and seamless transition of services,” stated Alan Newberry, president/CEO of Peninsula Regional Medical Center. “We’re committed to keeping this service in Worcester County for the patients who have trusted their heart and pulmonary care to our team for the past six years at the Berlin location.”
Patients were notified by both organizations in July of the ownership transfer. Peninsula Regional will continue to operate the Maintenance Cardiovascular/Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Adult Fitness Program from its existing site on Route 50 in Berlin for the next several months. The Medical Center is currently looking for a larger, more modern location in the Berlin area to relocate the service. Cardiologist Anthony Frey, MD and pulmonologist C. Rodney Layton, MD will serve as the program’s medical directors.
Haslam Joins ePerks
BERLIN — $10,000 cash back when you buy a home, one week Hawaii vacation when you sell a home, three months free gas when you buy a new car or truck and more are the perks offered from local real estate agents, dealers and other top professionals at
ePERKS.com, which made its official debut Monday, July 30.
An online marketplace of top professionals such as real estate agents, automotive dealers, home contractors and more, ePERKS rewards consumers with huge perks when consumers transact with member professionals. Whether one is in the market to buy a new home or a new car, ePERKS professionals compete for consumer business by offering unprecedented deals, lower prices and gigantic perks.
Prudential Carruthers Broker Associate Sue Haslam is one of the professionals taking part in the program.
Free to consumers, ePERKS is designed to offer a real value proposition to those looking for top professional services. Consumers are empowered with the ability to search, find and learn about local professionals without having to commit to providing contact information or to a transaction with a preset professional. Service professionals’ business backgrounds, credentials, years of experience, perks and more are all made available upfront within the marketplace.
Firm Announces Hires
BERLIN – Daft-McCune-Walker, Inc. (DMW), a multidisciplinary land development consulting firm, has announced that it has hired two new employees.
William "Bill" Neville, RLA, AICP, has been named director of land planning services, and Robert "Bob" Palmer, PE, will serve as program manager and assistant branch manager for DMW’s Eastern Shore branch.
Both Neville and Palmer will be based in Berlin, where, under the direction of Larry Whitlock, DMW opened its Eastern Shore branch in May of this year.
"Bill and Bob are two exceptionally valuable additions to DMW on the Eastern Shore and throughout the company as a whole," said Whitlock, vice president and branch manager of DMW’s Berlin branch. "Their experience and leadership styles are highly complementary to the firm’s current teams, allowing us to provide added full-service support and turnkey services to our strong client base."