Voice From The Readers

A Matter Of Choice


Living in Baltimore 60 odd years then moving to Ocean City
and walking the Boardwalk passing shops showing bikinis, towels, T-shirts,
bathing suits and other attire in the windows displaying same, now adult shops
are a thing of concern. Shucks, “The Block” was the thing. Only it was called
adult entertainment. They all had posters on the outside showing girls with the
bare essentials for all to see who traverse The Block and it was one block from
Baltimore City Hall. Lots of people were moving along The Block.

Now the adult shops have these windows concealed so no one
can see in or out and states the age minimum It’s a business for those who want
to cater to it. It’s our choice.

No I wouldn’t go to one now, not that I am too old, just
doesn’t appeal.

Then again I can walk the Boardwalk and see it.

Let the person choose for themselves or let the parents
teach the youngsters what’s good and bad.

Arthur “Otts” Trabert


Budget Session Merit Attention


Ocean City and Worcester County enthusiasts, mark your
calendars accordingly for the public information and input opportunity
meetings, concerning budgets, taxes and spending. They are worth, at least, the
education, if not also the valuable insights from the public’s many

At Ocean City Hall on 3rd Street, budget sessions will be
held Some are scheduled and others have not been announced. Log on to
www.town.ocean-city.md.us or by calling 410-289-8887 to find out when the
following departments will be discussed: Tourism, Museum, Airport,
Transportation, Public Works Administration-Construction-Maintenance,
Recreation, Special Events, Parks, Beach Patrol, Fire Marshall, Fire Company,
Mayor & City Council, City Manager, Planning & Zoning, City Clerk,
Finance, Engineering, Legal, EMS, Communications, Electronics, Emergency
Management, Police, Solid Waste, Golf, Information Technology, Risk Management,
Human Resources, Purchasing, Vehicles, Capitol Projects and Special Requests.

At the county government building in Snow Hill  on April 24 and 25 at 9am are the
departmental presentations continued from earlier this month. Specific
department’s presentation information can be obtained online at
www.co.worcester.md.us or by calling 410-632-1194.

At Snow Hill High School on May 1 at 7 p.m. is the public
input meeting, and on June 5 at 9 a.m. is the approved budget presentation.

Thanks tremendously, editor, for this space, ‘Legals’
section announcements and especially for the more prominent news articles and
features explaining these issues.

As always, all questions and comments are welcome at
410-430-0535 and [email protected].

Ellie Diegelmann

Ocean City

Ending An ‘Unjust’ War


Democrats in Congress, by requiring a phased pull out,
have now taken the first step to end Iraq War II, Like Viet Nam and about half
of America’s wars, it is an “unjust” one. Criteria for a “just war” evolved
from S. Augustine in the 4th C. He and other bishops tried to dissuade
kick-butt barons and kings from their frequent indulgence in unjust wars.

Here are the seven criteria:

Good cause: Basic human rights, not imperialism – other
people, their land or resources.

No ulterior motive: To let us guzzle gas, distract us from
domestic needs, aid defense contractors, abridge civil liberties, elect
Republicans, or to play the tough guy from Texas.

Lawful authority: Ordered by a parliament or Congress, not
by a president or dictator.

Costs proportional to benefits: Is the war worth human,
money, and other sacrifices?

Force proportional to military goals: Is a sledgehammer
being used to swat a fly?

Probability of success: Wars that can’t be won should be
stopped or not even started.

Failure of peaceful means: Kick-butters must not prevail
early and easily in the debate.

Iraq War II fails most of these criteria. And it is a
stupid war, stupid partly because again like Viet Nam, it weakens our will to
fight a war we ought to fight, a just was.

J.A. Hoage

Severna Par

Marathon Experience One To Remember


I participated in the Ocean City Factory Outlets Half
Marathon last week.

Despite those very cold and snowy conditions, I had a
truly wonderful experience. I want to thank all the people who helped put it
together. I know those things take an enormous amount of  planning and logistical attention. The roads
were very well marked and the police kept us very safe at all the

The volunteers at the rest stops were so kind to stay out
there in that terrible cold – and on top of everything gave us all such sweet
encouragement. I feel deeply indebted to all of you.

It was my first time running in a race of any kind, and it
was something I will never forget. I also beat my target finish time by 20
minutes. Woo Hoo.

Jenny Allen
