in Mrs. Lisa Brady’s second grade class at Ocean City Elementary School
recently presented biographies to their class. Above, Wyatt Davy, dressed like
Teddy Roosevelt, shared the information he learned about the 26th president
while displaying Roosevelt’s picture and the "teddy bear" named after
him. Submitted Photos
Scouts Troop 279, which meets at Worcester Prep, recently visited La Casita, an
extension of First State Community Action Center in Georgetown. La Casita is an After School Program
designed to assist elementary students with homework. The students’ first
language is Spanish. In preparation for
the state exams, the students read to the Scouts. Above, Taite Daisey, left, is
pictured with one of the La Casita students.
Worcester Prep’s Middle School Dance, students dressed up like characters in
movies or on television. Front, from left, are Patricia Twilley, Mallory
Richards, Jackie Clayton sophomore
disc jockey Chase Harmon, McKinnon de Kuyper, Peyton Dickerson; back, from
left, Ty Mayers, Jeffrey Andresen, Stephen Nichols, Ben Mumford, Walker
Harrington and Chris Duke.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic School’s girls basketball team went 12-2 for the
season and were coached by MBS parents Rich D’Orazio and Trish D’Onofrio. Pictured, kneeling from left, are Olivia
Quattrini and Tierney Loeser; second Row, from left, Mignon and Maggie
Winterling, Kate Kotoski, Leigh Anne Flounlacker, Gabrielle Anthony, Ionice
Murillo; back row, from left, Bethany Saute, Michelle Ott, Catherine Reilly,
Kitty Cole, Abby Miller, India O’Boyle, Andi Tucker and Cassie Horvath.
Ocean City Elks Lodge recently awarded its Americanism awards for 2007. First
row, from left, are Lauren Gosnear, third, poster, 6-7 year olds, Worcester
Prep; Grace Schwartz, 3rd, poster, 4-5 year olds, Worcester Prep; Sarena
Michnick first, poster, 4-5 year olds, Worcester Prep; Regan Lingo, first,
poster, 8-9 year olds, Worcester Prep; Shelby Cannatelli, first, poster, 6-7
year olds, Worcester Prep; second row, from left, Amanda Gabriel, second,
poster, 8-9 year olds, Worcester Prep; Emily Cashman, Honorable Mention,
poster, 8-9 year olds, Berlin Intermediate; Josh Michnick, third poster,
8-9 year olds, Worcester Prep; Caroline
Hudson, first, essay, Grades 5-6, Worcester Prep; third row, from left, Mrs.
Addie Yeager, Americanism Chairman Elks;
Knopp, first, essay, Grades 7-8, Most Blessed Sacrament; Kristen Goodman,
second, essay, Grades 5-6, Most Blessed Sacrament; Kitty Cole, Honorable Mention,
essay, Grades 7-8, Most Blessed Sacrament; Halie Murray-Davis, third, essay,
Grades 7-8, Worcester Prep; Roland Gerachis, third. essay, Grades 5-6,
Worcester Prep; and Olivia Massey, second essay, Grades 7-8, Worcester Prep.
Missing from the photo is Spencer Carbaugh, second, poster, 6-7,year olds,
Worcester Prep. Kindergarten student
placed first in the State competition, and second grader Regan Lingo placed
second in the State competition.
Lenore Huffer, back, Education Chairman of the Levin WinderChapter,
Daughters of the American Revolution, are the 2007 Worcester Countywinners
in the 2007 Historic Essay Competition. Pictured, from left, are Nikki
Carpenter,Claire Stickler, Katelin Talbert and Jake Mocci. All are students at Worcester Prep.