The Resorter … Revisited

The Resorter … Revisited
resorter 6 5

Summer of 1956

Volume II

Edition 4

Issue Highlights

Bill’s Famous Ship Café on 14th Street offered the following, according to an ad: cocktail lounge, bar, dining room,  Maine lobsters, efficiency apartments, seafood, steaks, chicken, hotel and motel rooms, boats for hire and dockage for private and charter boats.

Subscription rates for the Resorter were $1 for seven issues and 25 cents for a single copy.

In “After Dark” by Dick Mako, it was written, “The resort’s new Danceland, owned by the likable Frank and Minerva Hahn, has scored a tremendous success with the younger set of Ocean City. The young visitors of the resort have always cried the blues about not having anyplace of their own, now that they have it in the Danceland, time will tell whether they appreciate it or not.

The Hess Apparel’s full-page ad model was Miss Diana Scott, a student at Stephen Decatur High School who “spends her working hours decorating the coffee shop of the Harrison Hall hotel.”

An ad for the Stowaway Motel on 22nd Street included the following: Ocean City’s most modern motel, Olympic-size swimming pool, spacious sun deck and porches overlooking the ocean and bay; special facilities for children; and all rooms air conditioned and heated.